Useful Sites

This is just going to be a subsection where a bunch of websites and webpages that is not informative and content rich enough to be in the resource section end up. Most of the sites have information that is ok but don’t go into detail or depth in explaining stuff.

This webpage will be edited and added upon over time.

  • – (I am not sure about this site, its products are very controversial, so I also put this site on the “scams website list” section
  • – (it only has two articles but the articles have tables for heights and weights)


3 thoughts on “Useful Sites

  1. josh

    anyone know what happened to heightcatalyst forum and
    if anyone see “Nicki” please ask her about those forums

    or if she sees this, please respond Nicki

    if you have any info on those forums, they seemed to have just blacked out on everyone
    why, what happened. ?

    1. admin

      Let me answer some of your questions. Those forums had too much drama and the people shut it down. That is what nicki said. She occasionally stops by here.

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