Free Stuff

Video, Mpeg, Audio, & MP3 Downloads

  • Grow Taller With Me Part I – Author: Zixia (Nicole) – Update: Jan 10th, 2014 – Zixia contacted me recently and asked that I take down the information on her old site. Due to her civility, I complied with her request. We do at some level respect other people’s privacy and try to do what we can to protect their personal lives.
  • Grow Taller WIth Me Part 2 – Author: Zixia (Nicole) – Update: Jan 10th, 2014 – Zixia contacted me recently and asked that I take down the information on her old site. Due to her civility, I complied with her request. We do at some level respect other people’s privacy and try to do what we can to protect their personal lives.
  • Dr. Laura De Giorgio – Grow Taller Program (This program is over 340 MB. There is 11 CD Mp3 files in it, around 10-30 MB in size for each one. It is uploaded to DropBox) –
  • Grow Taller 4 You Program – Author: Lance Ward (Inside the “Program” you will find 2 PDF Manuals and 5 Video files. I only uploaded the two manuals: Manual 1Manual 2. It is uploaded to DropBox)

E-Book Downloads

All of the downloads available are just stuff I have found across the internet. Some are PDFs and some are books. They are all FREE to take and download and use. If you see something that should not be posted here in violation of copyright laws, inform me and I will promptly take it down. All I ask is that you give a thanks for the postings. If you really like the webpage with the E-Products then you could make a donation to the cause.

226 thoughts on “Free Stuff

  1. Pingback: Grow Taller Using Qigong , Part II - |

  2. Pingback: Increase Height And Grow Taller Riding A Stationary Bike - |

  3. Pingback: Grow Taller 4 Idiots with Exercise Routine Program Is Now Available For Free Download | Natural Height Growth

  4. kiki、

    hello,I would llke your access to Dr. Laura De Giorgio – Grow Taller Program ,thank you very much!

  5. David Maida

    Dear Natural Height Growth I have tried to download the grow taller with me by Zixia (Nicole) but it does not work on my computer. Can you please email mail me them at Also have you got a copy which is an mp3 file because I tried transferring it to my mobile phone and it also does not work on my mobile phone.
    Regards David Maida

  6. Davidson

    First of all, I would like to say that I do really appreciate the fact that you are sharing free information and programs for other people who have the desire to grow taller!

    Secondly, i would like to inform you that the program called grow taller 5 u on the section “free stuff” actually does not work. The videos on dropbox do not work once you click on the play button. I hope you can find any solution. Do not hesitate with informing me!

    I look forward to watch the program. Thank you!

  7. Ionne

    I just wanna know if the package that can be bought in darwin smith’s website contains a cd or not. Coz I wanna know what is in there too aside from the ebooks.

  8. Victor Rodrigues

    Grow Taller 4 Idiots with Exercise Routines Program – Update 8/14/2013 – See more at:
    Cand you send me that one?
    Ps:. If I am making the exercises correctly will my feet grow too?
    I’m 19 years old, I will start my rotine with 1 hour of these exercises and a few more.
    Plus 1 hour, 3 times a week of Swimming, Pilates, Workout Upper Body, Workout Lower Body, Spinning, Running, Jump, Step, Volleybol, Basquetebol, Handebol, Futebol… So tottaly that will be 6 hours of exercises by sports and gym and 1 hour of specific exercises for growing taller. Will my feet grow too? Or there are special exercises?
    I will also take the vitamins complex and the GrowTallerForIdiots Cocktail… Can you help me by answering my question?

  9. nadya

    hi, i’m 17 years old girl and my height id only 5 feet 1 inches.. i’ ve been depressed with my grandma’s comment of my height evrytime i meet her.. could you help me by sending a copy of grow taller for idiots? Please please.. thank you

  10. Sarah

    will u plz send me a
    copy of grow taller 4 idiots in my email
    ( I’ll be very grateful to you.thank u very much. 🙂

  11. jhanani

    hi ,
    I would really appreciate your work.It helps a lot of people to grow taller.I was unable to download “Grow Taller 4 Idiots” book and the mp3 content you have in this website.could you please email me the contents so that it will be really helpful for me to grow a few inches taller

    my mail id:

    Waiting for your mail


    1. shelly

      hi … I can’t hardly download “the grow taller for idiots” .. please send me a copy of this book .. I would highly appreciate your help.. thanks .. please send me in my mail ( I really need it because I’m just 5 ft .. thanks again ..

  12. Teddy

    pls pls pls pls pls …..i can’t find it. can some one email me a copy of this book.. really wana know if it works thank you so much for heleping me

  13. dnt ask me my name

    Yo first of all thnks for the products. I would like to try it first and if it worked on me then sure i will donate you and ofcourse i will be doing it seriously as i anm just 5 f and 7 inch. I appreciate your kindness

  14. Fia

    Hello! I really want to download or have the copy of growtaller4idiots. Please:( I haven;t even reach the height of 5 inches. Here;s my Email : ( please send me a copy:))) Thank You!

  15. farnoush

    can you do me a favour and send “grow taller 4 idiots” to my email?
    cause it’s not that i dont wanna pay for it but I CAN NOT buy it.I live in Iran and recently we can’t buy things from USA!!!

  16. Adeeb

    Can you please email me the ebook ‘grow taller 4 idiots” or anyone who has the book in pdf? Please, I really need that book. My email is Your help would be greatly appreciated.
    Hoping for a positive response..
    Best Regards

  17. Adeeb

    Can you please email me the ebook ‘grow taller 4 idiots” or anyone who has the book in pdf? Please, I really need that book. My email is Your help would be greatly appreciated.
    Hoping for a positive response..
    Best Regards..

  18. ayush

    Pls send me the latest grow taller 4 idiots copy …… Pls pls send it…. Wid videos. nd thnxx for creating this awesome website thnxx again….

  19. Butterflyy


    I know you took the link down for Grow Taller 4 Idiots. But is it still possible for you to email it to me instead??

  20. Sam

    Please send grow taller 4 idiots to me as well in this email address↓↓↓

    p.s. excuse the name of the adress, it’s creepy I know, it was an inside joke between me and some friends, but I sometimes still use it like now, if you can send it to me please 🙂

  21. kubra

    Hello, i could not grow taller 4 idiots pdf anywhere. Please, can you send me the copy of it to my e–mail ad.

    Thanks a lot..

  22. Tony

    Please Can any one send me thegrowtallerforidiot pdf please anyone my life really sucks right now and my girlfriend his planning on leaving me my self esteem his at an all time low and am planning on hanging my self if I don’t get 4 inche taller before the year runs out please any one that can help please send it to my email thanks and God bless

  23. Sam Yowan

    hi there please send me a copy of gorwtall4idiot for i have no money and i really want to grow tall because it’s affecting my confident and is giving me no hope of succeeding in the future. i promise that i will pay you back as soon as i become tall and successful..

  24. Pingback: height growth plus for sale - height growth

  25. Louis Kim

    Hi, I would really appreciate it if you could send me the GT4i program. I’m pretty desperate right now 🙁 Thanks a lot 🙂

  26. prabhu

    Can you please send the copy of the new growtaller4idiots pdf to my mail?
    please anybody having the pdf send it to me..


  27. shandev indoi

    the grow taller program is on this page just click the links there are above and after clicking the link it will direct you to different pages where you will see excrisess and others this it the link after clicking just scroll down until you see the links.I am not the owner of this but i use this to get taller it will work i was reading through the comments and saw you ask so i tried to help.

  28. tom

    Sir,can you please send me a copy of grow taller for idiots
    my Email Sir,can you please send me a copy of grow taller for idiots

  29. Riadh boukhelif

    Hello guys , i am a little bit of short guys i am 5,4 Ireally need to get taller for my profession
    So if it doesn’t bother you plz send me The programme Because i am from africa and i couldn’t buy the book so plllllllz Send it to me , Hope you doing well , Peace 😉 .

    1. Riadh boukhelif

      Hello guys , i am a little bit of short guys i am 5,4 Ireally need to get taller for my profession
      So if it doesn’t bother you plz send me The programme Because i am from africa and i couldn’t buy the book so plllllllz Send it to me , Hope you doing well , Peace

      Email :

  30. Ade

    I will be grateful if the full version of grow taller 4 idiots can be forward to my email… Pls.. Thanks

  31. Arkins

    Hello! Can you send me the copy of the GrowTaller4Idiots-Exercise pdf by Drawin Smith? I want so bad to grow taller. My height has been my greatest insecurity, this would really help me a lot. Pretty please? Kindly send the pdf from this email:


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