What Does Victoria Beckham, Kim Kardashian, And Tila Tequila Have In Common? Below Average Height, Short Woman Are More Likely To Wear High Heels

This is one of those posts where I speak on an opinion of mine. It just seems to be a casual statement of a general observation. It seems that many girls I know who are below average in height are in general more likely to wear high heels than average sized or tall females. Sure, this might sound like the stupidest claim of all short of being called common sense but it is something that I did want to throw out there. I’d like to provide a few examples from my own personal life and a few examples I’ve seen with more famous people.

One of my sisters would consider herself on the short side being somewhere between 5′ 3″-5’4″. By USA standards, she really wouldn’t be classified as “short” but maybe slightly below average in height. And she has a huge obsession with always buying and wearing high heels, ones that are at least 4 inches. Almost all of her shoes are heels, and maybe 2-3 pairs are flats. For her Senior prom and other dances she was very adamant on wearing high heels even though there was probably dancing. An arguement developed between her and my mother because she had to alter the prom dress to add inches to cover up the extra length of the shoes. However that alteration lead to the dress being too long so a 2nd alteration had to be done to reduce the drag of the dress. Being a girl it took her many days to decide on a dress and that only resulted in more complications.  Since she was very opinionated on her need to wear those heels, my mother got frustrated in her enough to state something along the lines of “I’m sorry you ended up short but what can you do? Wearing high heels your entire life can’t cover that up” Maybe in 20 years my sister might need to go to a therapist to work out her height issues and also her mother issues.

Another example is a past girlfriend’s mother who was supposed to always be wearing high heels. Apparently she was very insecure about her height. I would have guess she was about 5′ 1″-5′ 2″ which for a 45-50 year old asian female is not that short. The first time I saw her I was surprised since she was taller than what I expected. It seemed like she was comfortable with wearing sneakers when exercising so maybe her height insecurities are not as severe as come other people. It seems that she just really cared about her appearance and would always wear heels at work and in the office.

Where I am now, in the city, in my location, there is a specific type of female I see at coffee shops and cosmetic stores who will always have high heels on. it doesn’t matter what type of weather is outside and how crazy slippery the ground is from ice and snow. They will always wear high heels at the risk of slipping and breaking their ankle. There is no compromise with these types of girls. I know these girls are coming so easily because their heels have a very loud and distinct clop or thump sound when they take a step. You can hear them coming even 30 feet away with headphones on. You can close your eyes and have a clear image of where all these girls are in your peripheral region. I am almost positive that a sizable portion/percentage of the females I see walk past me everyday on the city block and streets do have some form of height complex and insecurity. Or maybe it is just that they are too concerned about their appearance and what other people will think of them. It is a very appearance conscious country I am living in right now.

One celebrity I’ve heard who always wears her heels is Victoria Beckham. Her husband is the world famous futbol/soccer player David Beckham who used to play for the Galaxy. I’m not a big soccer fan but I do know most of their story and her heel obsession. Being a man who has an intense interest over the subject of height and height increase, my guess on why she is always wearing those shoes is that she has some bit of insecurity over her size. Her husband David is billed at 6 feet tall (1.83 meters) and her height from Celebheights.com is at 5′ 4.25″. I know from reading the celebheights heights before that the site has a reputation for often decreasing the real value of celebrities by an in or so for the most controversial profiles on the site so I would be willing to guess Victoria is probably 5′ 4.50″ and 5′ 5″ at her maximum but I could be short-changing her. Interestingly on the IMDB.com her height is listed at 5′ 6″. I might have to bump up her height to range between 5′ 4.50″-5′ 5.50″ which is just a slight increase. It seems she has a trademark to high heels and she suffers bunions from her dedication to them (source). In this article written about her from People Magazine they state “For instance, despite her slim frame and gorgeous looks, she’s still self-conscious about her height. “I’ve never been a six-foot-tall, skinny model [she is five feet four], so therefore I want to create an illusion,” she explains. “People always think I’m taller than I am — not just because of the shoes I wear but because of the way I dress. It’s all relatively streamlined.”” At this point I am not sure what is Victoria’s real height but it seems that my theory on why she always has to wear high heels is true. She is self conscious about her height. She did try to break into the fashion industry and she had difficulty because of her height.

The next celebrity I wanted to look at is socialite Kim Kardashian who has been famous for the reality show “Keeping Up With The Kardashians“. In recent years she had become even more famous because of multiple business pursuits like clothing lines and fragrances. It is well known that Kim is also a big wearer of the high heels. In most resources I have found she is listed at 5′ 2″ but she says she is 5′ 2.5” which I would guess is absolutely right. I don’t think a girl as attractive, successful and rich as her feels the need to overcompensate also for her height. By USA female standards she is below average in height and she could be described with the word “short”. There seems to be even a website dedicated to her height HERE. She is often wearing platform heels and high heeled stilettos. However it seems that overall, she might have a bette self image over her height than some other girls. There have been some pictures where you do see her in footwear with no heel height increases. It seems that Kim is just very conscious of her appearance and a girl’s height is part of her overall attractiveness. I’m going to guess that if she had a chance to add a couple inches while giving up her facial looks she wouldn’t take it. She uses the heels to make her looks be increased. She might be hesitant to take off her heels but if she has to, she will which shows that her self image is not that directly linked to her height and she probably doesn’t have a height complex like some females and men. We know that she was married to NBA player Kris Humphries who is listed at 6′ 9″ and they looked like a strange couple in pictures making some people to wonder how they even make it work when even the act of kissing seems really hard to do (source). If I was to play couch therapist I would say maybe she reason for trying to date Humphries was an unconscious way to compete with her tall sister Khloe who has a 6′ 10″ tall husband Lamar. It might have been Kim’s way to state indirectly that Khloe and her husband’s size will not intimidate her and that she can get a guy just as tall (well, maybe 1 inch shorter) as her sister. As with her other sister Kourtney, she is even shorter at 5′ 0″ and she seems to be just as adamant in always wearing high heels as Kim, if not even more. Overall, Kim Kardashian may also be wearing high heels so often because she is trying to overcome some form of insecurity, which may not be completely height based.

The last “celebrity” that I’ve noticed who seems to be using her use of high heels as a way to overcompensate not just for height but a height complex is Tila Tequila. This girl seemed to have gotten famous because she was once the profile who had the most “friends” on Myspace. In recent years I haven’t heard much about her except that she might have gone slightly crazy and have gotten in trouble with the law “Lindsay Lohan style“. I think I read somewhere that even her bodyguards couldn’t put up with the weird stuff she was getting herself into, and these are the type of people who are used to dealing with the weird stuff that celebrities do with their eccentricities. I don’t think I have ever seen a picture of Tila without some really high heels. In some ways I feel really sorry for her because she is very petite. Her height has been listed on IMDB as 4′ 11″ but I would suspect that a female that small in stature is probably pushing that value up more. She might be closer to 4′ 10″ than 4′ 11″ and it seems a few internet sources also says the same thing. Her last name Nguyen means she is Vietnamese in ethnicity and I have said before that the vietnamese are ethnicity one of the shortest groups of people. It is what it is and maybe in 30-40 years better living conditions in Vietnam with more protein for the younger generation will prove that the Vietnamese don’t have an ethnic propensity to be idiopathically short. I have already wrote in previous post that previously believed short nations like China and India have had their younger generation increase height by around 6-5 cm for the last 20 years. The dutch were the shortest groups of people more than a century ago and look at them now. Whatever it it Tila seems to have some complexes and psychopathological issues and one of them may stem from her small size. I know that she was dating a 6′ 4″ football player and this seems to be another classical case where a really small girl is trying to unconsciously overcompensate for her size by being with someone so much bigger. Maybe she thinks that he might be able to give her children which can kill her lineage of short genes and get his size genes passed on instead. But that is not a gene game I’d want to play. There are places like this post HERE that calls her a “midget”. In the end I don’t want to say anything bad about Tila because it seems she already is suffering.

As an after thought, there are some honorable mentions like Little Kim and Amanda Seyfried. They also seem to have a need to always bee seen in public with high heels. With Seyfried she might be more comfortable with her height.

One thought on “What Does Victoria Beckham, Kim Kardashian, And Tila Tequila Have In Common? Below Average Height, Short Woman Are More Likely To Wear High Heels

  1. tim

    I know you’re not a soccer fan, but Cristiano ronaldo is an interesting one too. Never seen someone with more different listings..

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