There Are Three Main Goals For This Website, Not One

Sometimes I have to take a step back from the scientific and highly technical research I am up to and see the forest instead of the trees. This post is something to clarify even further what are the goals of this website.

1. Figure out a way to increase one’s height after the growth plates have closed.

2. Figure out a way to increase the rate of one’s growth/height increase while one still has open growth plates.

3. Figure out a way to somehow change one’s genes so that the possible height increase one gains in or oneself get’s passed down to your children/ offspring and their offpsring as well. This means that I am hoping that the gene or genetics to alter one’s genome to give oneself the “tall gene” or the “height gene” will be passed down.

Honestly, in the beginning I thought there was only one main goals, to figure out how to increase one’s height after the growth plates have closed.

Then after I started getting emails from young teenagers or even adolescents who are interested in getting taller or increasing their already tall stature while still being able to grow, I added the 2nd goal for them.

Now I realized something even deeper that I just realized now. Even if we do find a way to increase our height, what we also hope at an even deeper, more instinctual unconscious level is that we hope that the size/ height of our offspring and their children will increase in height as well.

  • I mean, has a parent ever desired that their children will end up shorter than their friends or peers? I would guess not.
  • How about that their kids be taller? Of course they are hoping in the back of their mind. I would expect that most normal parents would want their children to have as many advantages, physically, intellectual, or financial to their peers to have a better quality of life.

So this is why I felt that maybe beyond even the goal of our main #1 goal to make ourselves taller after we have passes puberty and our growth plates are closed, maybe the bigger goal should be to find a way to change our genome to get that trait that we want for our offspring.

I would like to direct the reader to the picture below of a family portrait. and that is a real family, not actors. It shows that even if we do manage to cosmetically change our outer appearance, our genetics don’t lie but probably would be expressed in our children.

Screen Shot 2013-02-12 at 4.20.49 AMIt is important to remember that I have seen the cosmetic miracles plastic surgeons have been doing to the young women and men in the city I currently reside in right now, Seoul, South Korea and not only that, I live in the area that is particularly known for its plastic surgery clinics. Every corner of the block I live in, at least 3 plastic surgery clinics are available.

If we are to look at this from an evolutionary biology perspective we can say that the women and men are trying to deceive to others their real genetic fitness. Before there was cosmetic surgery for the face, it was guessed by evolutionary biologists that one’s health and fitness that is found from one’e genes can be seen in one’s face and height. If you are attractive, you have good genes. Girls have been covering up their facial blemishes and weaknesses with makeup for thousands of years. South Asians/ Indians are famous for using their “Fair & Lovely” and “Fair & Handsome” to whiten their skin. The cultural subjective concept of “beauty” or “attractiveness” has been analyzed to validate the science of why people like beautiful people. The explanations give many causes, but there are some clear benefits in the results. Attractive people have higher quality of life. And that definitely include the aspect of height.

From a completely objective view, I guess it is understandable why people do what they do. Humans are selfish creatures who always wish that their own personal condition and the people tehy live to be better off than the people outside their small inner world. Many people will go great lengths to change their life to make it better. Why do you think so many people who come from poor backgrounds and broken homes work so damn harder than the people who might have been born and raise in privilege. They wish for something better and they will give far more effort ot change their life. The human spirit thrives on the principle of HOPE.

Everyone, all of us will do whatever we can to make us feel good (or better) about ourselves. Nobody wants to feel that they are not good enough. There is a reason why a guy who might be unattractive would still strive for the attractive girl.

If you don’t believe in the idea of an ultimate, supreme god or being to judge us, and you don’t believe in the idea of an afterlife, and you don’t believe that the idea of karma exists, then you understand at a deep basic level that in our reality, there is NO right or wrong. Morality and Ethics can be extinguished due to our survival instincts and desire to reproduce with the “best, most fit” mate selections. 

From Freudian Psychology, I can talk about ego defense mechanisms. – We will do everything we can to 1. Rationalize and 2. Justify our actions which our society or culture might think is morally wrong or irrepressible, but for most of us, we don’t care. We know that at the end of the day there is no higher spiritual or religious being to judge us so we only follow the rules of nature, the universe, and our own biology (assuming the person reading this is a nonbeliever and an atheist), not what society and culture might try to dictate to us on how we should act.

Let’s look at this interesting story that went sort of viral in 2012 which cause the attention of so many people on the internet. It spark a very heated debate on the issue and it is an expression on why humans can so much about being attractive, and also how we try to lie to others for our own benefit.

Screen Shot 2013-02-12 at 4.14.26 AMEven Recently a friend would post on his facebook wall a story (article available HERE, HERE, HERE) about how a rich and successful Chinese man divorced his Chinese Wifes after their baby came out and he saw how ugly the baby was. After questioning over her fidelity since the baby looked nothing like him (or her) he would find out that the Chinese wife had gone to South Korea to get plastic for her face. He felt deceived and tricked by her surgery. The reaction he gave can be interpreted in two ways. As always, our reaction to any event will depend on how we choose to interpret it.

  • From the cultural, moral perspective he is wrong since as her husband he is supposed to love her. HIs action for divorce shows that he seems to be another male “pig” who only cared that his wife be good looking.
  • From the biological and evolutionary & genetic perspective we can say with objectivity that he might be justified in his action. She had commited an act of genetic deception to hide her genetic weakness and he chose now to give her his resources since the marriage they had was sor tof based on a mutual understanding of trading of resources.

From an economics point of view, there was a trade on resources: Her beauty for his wealth and the lifestyle he gave give her.

The best example is to show the mating selection of humans Almost always someone had rejected the romantic interest or advances of someone else and chose another person due to them being in some way “better” quality than the other potential romantic partner.

Now let’s apply the issue to height and how it affect’s male’s mating prospects…

When girls dump or leave guys because they were too short or give the reason “I just don’t want my future children/offspring to be born short/ or end up short, they are saying that they are acting out of fear. They are trying to hedge their risk.

I remember the spiritual relationship teacher David Deida once said in his book “The Way Of The Superior Man” this quote.

  • “Women ultimately wish to fuck GOD. In his absence you will have to do…”

They are trying to make the choice which would be more likely to give thier blood line, their genetic offspring a higher potential to compete and win in the future. The advantage might be even just 1 extra inch in potential ultimate height, but still an extra inch is an extra inch. When a guy is 5′ 4″ and he finds himself go up 1 inch to 5′ 5″, that extra inch is BIG. When a girl is 4′ 11″ and finally reaches 5′ 0″ that extra inches finally gives her the emotional or mental relief that she can at least claim on her driver’s license that she is 5′ 0″, just passing the size mark where she might have been branded by her “friends” or peers to be a dwarf or “midget”.

The thing to take away from this post is this. Maybe I am doing research for myself and for other people who have closed growth plates to find a way to grow taller. However I am also doing it for the benefit of young kids who feel like they are not enough, or not beautiful enough, or feel like they are not loved because they are small.

So far, I have not found even one culture, tribe, ethnicity, nation, or group of people in the world where people prefer the shorter people over the taller ones. It seems to be ingrained in our biology to think taller people are better looking, and I could be wrong but it seems that way.

The last thing is that I am doing it to give the future generations a way to become “better looking” and not have to worry too much about how tall they are.