Monthly Archives: May 2013

Does Being Lactose Intolerant Mean A Person Will Have Stunted Growth And End Up Shorter?

Something that I have noticed in my own life in meeting different types of people their own unique genetic predisposition and hereditary traits is that having certain types of genetic tendencies leading to allegies or intolerance towards some foods may have some type of correlation to stunted growth.

I would like to propose the theory in this post that people who have the food allergy of being lactose intolerant have at some level stunted growth and end up shorter than a person who can ingest lactose rather easily.

For me personally, I have a small level of lactose intolerance. I know that when I was younger I had digestive problems whenever I consumed large amounts of milk or milk derivative products. I would learn later that two people who were around my age being females seemed to have been allergic to milk and lactose as well from their fathers’ genetic makeup. They ended up being either average in height or shorter than average.

So the common layperson can make the easy correlation with

  • Being Lactose Intolerant
  • The main type of sugar found in milk of cows is lactose
  • Milk has besides the lactose sugar, Calcium and Vitamin D
  • If a child can not ingest milk because the sugar inside cow milk causes them problems, they would avoid milk and chess – This means that they probably are not getting as much Calcium and Vitamin D into their diet as another person who is not suffeirng lactose intolerance would.

In a very old post The Real Correlation Between Milk, Calcium, Bone Growth, And Height” I did state that the correlation between increased milk consumption and increased growth and final height is actually very weak. However that does not mean that they are not completely uncorrelated. I would write in a recent post “Drinking Milk And Getting Calcium Will Only Increase Growth Rate And Height Substantially In Pre-Pubescent Girls, A Personal Theory” a personal theory that for girls who have not reached puberty yet, the affect from increased consumption would have result in a reasonable increase in their final height.

The truth is that most studies done on children who are already in puberty and the teenage years show that increased calcium intake from taking supplements lead to only increased bone mineral density, but no increased bone longitudinal growth. However there are a couple of studies from the early 20th century when most nations still had a large percentage of their people not getting the necessary amount of nutrient that drinking milk did help increase the growth rate, at least for very young kids.

If the case is that milk can help very young kids grow taller, then the reverse logic of having an inability to ingest milk would result in decreased growth rates when the child is still very young leading to an eventual shorter final height.

For people with lactose intolerance, the consumption of milk with the sugar lactose would lead to stomach pains, stomach muscle cramps, development of gases, and flatulence. Since the associated pain and flatulence would result, the kid suffering from lactose intolerance would try to avoid drinking milk, eating cheese, or trying out dairy ice cream throughout their development. The decrease in Vitamin D consumption means that the ossification process in the growth plates will not be as fast in building the bones as when there is milk consumption leading to increased Vitamin D levels in the blood.


Half Of The World Is Hoping We Succeed And The Other Half Of The World Is Hoping We Fail

Sometimes I step back from the research and think about what the implications would be if we did succeed in the research. When I think about how maybe 2 decades ahead and we manage to pass through the scrutiny that would definitely develop after we start claiming that we have found a way or an alternative, as well as have researchers in some major universities test the proposed technique with consistent positive results, I am left wondering how the world would react to it.

I would view our research through the eyes of other people as something that can be described by the phrase….

“Half Of The World Is Hoping We Succeed And The Other Half Of The World Is Hoping We Fail”

We look at height as an anthropomorphic measurement of humans. Since height is a measurement of length, it is very easy to quantify and analyze. there will always be people who are below average in height and people who are taller than average.

[Note: I am assuming that the majority of people in the world would rather be taller than shorter.]

The things is that there will be some people who will definitely feel threatened by this technology. They are the group of people who is hoping that we ultimately fail. – Those people will obviously be the people who from having blessed genetics ended up tall. Being tall has been part of who they are, their identity for so long. They derive at least part of their self esteem in being “tall” and feeling good that they are “tall”. What happens when a technology comes out to take away from one of the main things they thought they can claim to be.

Height has been for most of human history something that is supposed to be unchangeable, immutable. It is something that was supposed to be define an individual for the rest of their lives once they become physically mature. You can’t change it. The tall people could always at the back of their mind realize that no matter how much they screw up in life, they would always be tall. Their large stature will automatically cause other humans to develop a visceral reaction of developing respect, admiration, and presence. That is a great psychological cushion to fall back on.

They can be slightly less motivated, smart, or talented to reach the same level of succes because they have the big body, people in society will continue to give them breaks and chances to succeed. Being bigger means people feel a stronger level of presence and power, resulting in better human inter-relational dynamics.

Then in the 1980s Ilizarov came along from the former USSR and showed orthopaedic surgeons how it is possible to lengthen bones. This caught the attention of thousands of people around the world who wanted to be taller. While the original aim of distraction osteogenesis was to help children lengthen their legs due to bone growth problems, people immediately saw the cosmetic surgery application of this. When the surgery was finally allowed in China, thousands of Chinese people flocked to the few surgeons and hospitals which did this to change themselves. This resulted in limb lengthening surgery being banned in 2006 in China.

Some people in the world don’t want this to come to pass. this would in some way take away from them something which they thought would never change. Humans are always comparing themselves to other people to judge how much better or worse off they are. What happens when a person who used to be considered tall finds out that shorter people are now using a new technology to make themselves taller? I would think that those people would feel threatened and want to use the technology as well or want to keep the technology from ever being created.

Then there will be people who feel extreme hope and excitement that this technology will arrive soon, at some point in their lifetime. They are secretly hoping that we succeed and rooting for us every step of the way – They would be following closely with the news, the updates, and the research waiting years maybe for when the technique becomes commercial available for the masses.

These people have felt the psychological distress over having a body which they are not satisfied with, and there is nothing that they have any control over. They’ve tried all the stretching and done a lot of yoga but gained less than 1 cm of extra height, and that was just temporarily. They stand next to a taller person in a crowed room or in the work place and immediately feel an uncomfortable feeling of anxiety and distress. They can’t seem to be able to let go of the idea that they are so much smaller than other people and there is nothing they can do for the rest of their life about this thing. Life would seem too unfair. Some people due to the genetic lottery had the genes to become tall. They didn’t get it.

At some level they know that no matter how much they achieve in their professional life, the amount of effort, work, and pain they have to go through will be more than the taller person. Humans as a species have almost universally looked to taller people as better.

If the technology is created the shorter half of the world will be extremely happy. They would want this thing immediately to change their bodies, to make them just as tall as the taller people, or even taller. When that time comes, we will see a radical change in human society.

When To Give Up On The Search To Grow Taller And Stop The Research

In the last few months, I have been getting more and more emails from people expressing to me their thanks for creating this amazing resource for all of their height increase and growing taller questions.

They find it refreshing that this website is honest and not trying to sell them something. One thing that some of them have said is that they are hoping that I, as well as other researchers, don’t ever stop in the search.

Well, that is what they want, but what about my decision? What if one day I want to stop doing the research an give up on the search and leave it to someone else?

For this post I wanted to talk about the idea of “When To Give Up On The Search To Grow Taller And Stop The Research”. I know very few people who can continue this level of intensity for this thing for so long. I can do this type of thing because I have the time, the background, and the insanity to try to figure this thing out.

When To Give Up On The Search To Grow Taller And Stop The Research

So when do most people stop trying to grow taller, and start focusing on other things and ideas in life, like say….

  • Making money
  • Finding a gf/bf
  • Starting and running a business
  • Taking a full course load in college
  • Working 2 full time jobs
  • Getting married
  • Trying to loss weight, instead of gain height

As people grow older, their priorities change. What they once valued as the most important thing in their lives, they now look at as only secondary in important.

Here are the real top two reasons why people move away from this endeavor…

Money/Job – They realize that they need to put much more focus and energy on their job, to save money up for a marraige, retirement, children’s savings, etc.

Getting Married/Having a Child – Once a person gets married or has a baby, the focus in their life will no longer be about their physical appearance, or trying to gain something for themselves. It will be towards on how to provide the emotional, financial, and physical support that either their spouse or children need. I don’t think I have found a single person who is married or has a child and still actively searches for a way to grow taller.

Life moves on for many people. We can’t continue to focus on this type of thing for so many years of our lives because we are not letting ourselves enjoy the limited time we already have. We miss out on the chances for fun, for happiness, and for love. Most of us would rather choose to go on a hot date with someone we are attracted to than spend an evening doing stretches and taking supplements.

It is time to really start enjoying your life and worry less about this issue. For almost all of us, we can’t change our height that much yet since the technology and science has not arrived yet.

Here is what I can promise to the readers now.

1. I promise you the reader that I will try to keep this website up as long as possible. – Even if I am no longer updating the website as much as before, I will still pay the yearly hosting fee to keep the website around and up for future visitors to find and do their own research.

2. I promise you the reader that I will be updating, editing, and making changes and additions to the website over time for at least the next 5 years. This is a project which I want to ultimately culminate with a very thick book on everything I have found in my research. That book can be used by future researchers to push the endeavor a littler further than me.

3. I promise you the reader that I will never lie, exaggerate, or hide anything in terms of the research that I & the other researchers are doing just so that we can make a quick dollar.

I believe in trust, and have worked hard to earn that trust from you.

4. I promise that the research and findings we get are based on scientific backings, articles, PubMed studies, etc. 

5. I promise that if (or when) we have maxed out everything that can be done by us Amateurs Researchers in the scientific research, then we will tell you. We will write a final message saying that we did everything we could, and searched everywhere (basically the entire internet space and all university medical school library textbooks) and we still could not find anything that would work.

6. I will admit that I was wrong, that we couldn’t do it, and that the idea of an alternative to limb lengthening surgery is not possible if we find nothing in the end. – I would be willing to admit failure, even after struggling through this thing for years, if not decades. Maybe this thing is not really possible, at least at this stage of human technology and development.


This thing that I and the other height increase researchers are doing, it is a worthy cause. At least I believe that this thing we are doing is a very worthy cause. Millions, if not billions of people around the world would love it, and probably secretly wish that we would succeed in finding that holy grail, that solution towards growing taller after the natural growing process stopped.

I can’t make any guarantees or promises. I will share what I find and tell the truth.

Some people might ask whether I am qualified to do this type of research. So what are my credentials?

I did a degree in Chemical Engineering (with honors) for my undergraduate education with an emphasize in Material Science and almost got a minor in Physics. I have done research in the fields of biomedical technologies, fuel cell technology, polymer chemistry, tissue engineering, designing computer algorithms, AIDS vaccine research, electrical resonance, and clean energy alternatives.

I honestly think that if there is anyone on earth who would have a shot at taking a crack at this problem and possibly finding a solution, it is probably me. If I can’t succeed, I would wish that I can at least make a few big breakthroughs and write a few big posts showing that researchers and scientists in the world are at least working on this problem, but at a snail’s pace

I am just saying that my commitment and dedication to this thing will stay. Once the research is finally done, then I will walk away since there is no more to do.

Review On The RGX Grow Taller System, Grow Bone System

As I was going through the usual Grow Taller Forums, someone linked to this website which is selling another grow taller system, this one named the RGX Grow Taller System which is also called Grow Bone System.

This website seems to be new and the domain name is something i have not seen before. The is for some small island nation in the pacific ocean, Nauru, which I didn’t even know existed until now.

So the big question is obviously, is this just the next grow taller supplement scam to come up on the internet, another peddler of fake pills that can never work?

Grow Taller System


There seems to be two products that make up the Grow Bone System, the RGX Grow Bone System with RAW Calcium and Growth Factor S.

You are supposed to grow 4-6 inches for every 3 months you take the pills.

If you click on the PayPal button for the 30 day supply of RGX Grow Bone Systen, it will charge your paypal account $100. I obviously didn’t buy it but I am suspicious of the fact of whether they would even send anything in the mail.

The website has almost no information except one page of information on the ingredients of the pills. For the ingredients I see nothing that would be considered remotely special. Like it says, there are 2 pill types being sold, one called RAW Calcium, and there is something called RGX Growth Factor S.

RAW Calcium is supposed to have the element of Calcium in powder form, which should be relatively harmless. There is Vitamin D3 which will help with Calcium absorption by the bones. Vitamin K2 has been shown to be helpful in possibly reversing cavities which are minor so it might have some osteogenic potential. The magnesium will just give the bones that takes them some extra strength.

RGX Growth Factor S is supposed to have strongtium, which is something that is found in trace amounts in bones. I don’t know anything about strontium and whether it can really help in the health of bones since I have never done any research on strontium.

These two compounds have elements which will makes bones stronger in terms of making bone mineral density increase, and make bones stronger. However, there is nothing in these pills that will make the bones grow longer. 

There is a picture of a guy who is standing up having his picture measured however I recognize that picture as Apotheosis of the Make Me Taller Forum who was featured on national television for ABC NEWs and showed how limb lengthening surgery increased his height first from 5′ 6 to 5′ 9″ and then a second surgery made him go from 5′ 9″ to 6′ 2″


The fact is that there is a picture of a guy who used limb lengthening surgery to grow taller on this website (Apotheosis of MMT) who is also promoting height increase but trying to sell their program which is only pill and supplement based. This shows that they are lying about the effectiveness of their program and system.

Why would these people selling this thing and use a picture of someone else using a different system or path towards height increase? Why don’t they use pictures of new people that tried their marketed program and grew taller? I suspect the reason is because they have not found anyone who has grown from taking the supplements they sell.

So is this website and the product they are selling just another internet grow taller scam? Yes.

Increase Height and Grow Taller Using Bone Morphogenetic Proteins BMPs, Part II

At this point it may be smart to look over all the data and information we have collected and studied and access where we are in the research. I am planning on looking over some ideas and methods which I had gone over in the very beginning, around autumn of last year to maybe rewrite some old posts since the level of my understanding of auxology and bone physiology has increased since then.

I wanted to go over the idea of using Bone Morphogenetic Proteins to possibly increase height and make people taller again. The first time this idea towards connecting BMPs with the endeavor of Height Increase I had let someone named Kazlina or Nicki write it. The post is “Increase Height And Grow Taller Using Bone Morphogenetic Proteins, BMPs (Guest Post)“. At the time I only understood maybe 60-70% of the material of what she wrote but now I can really look over the original article to see if there is more to add on this subject.

Note: As for Nicki Or Kazlina, who seemed to be a big member in the online height increase community just a few years ago, I don’t have any contact with her anymore. After trying repeatedly to get her on the phone for a Skype interview for a Podcast, she has stopped responding back to my messages. I guess the research collaboration with her is gone, at least for right now. Best of luck to her in whatever she wishes to pursue. 

I am almost certain that at some point we will need to look over the ideas I had posed previously and go over past articles to see if we missed anything the first time around. I know that during the early months of this website I had written and posted so much that it was nearly impossible for me to have gone in detail and develop a real deep understanding of growth mechanics and mechanisms from only skimming those articles back then.

The bone morphogenetic proteins has been consistently shown to have amazing osteogenic and chondrogenic potential. I have seen that BMP-7, aka OP-1 can have very good healing properties towards intervertebral disks in the post “Osteogenic Protein 1 OP-1 Or Bone Morphogenetic Protein 7 BMP-7 Can Increase Intervertebral Disk Height (Important)

At least for BMP-7 or OP-1 they have the ability to increase collagen and proteoglycan content in the annulus fibrosis of so it is very likely possible that the torso can be increased by at least a few millimeters from injections of BMP-7 close to the disks.

What I would propose towards limb or leg lengthening to get get taller is that we need to focus on creating cartilage and cartilagenous tissue. BMPs are great at healing bones with adding them with scaffolds, cell seeds, and other growth factors, but in the research I (and the other researchers) have managed to find at least a dozen ways to get bones to heal fasters through various techniques on bone growth and bone healing.

BMPs are a type of growth factor that is part of the TGF-Beta superfamily. We need to find BMPs that are better at chondrogenesis when they are added in vivo than osteogenesis. I am proposing that it is possible that the lineage an injected BMP will take may be partly due to the tissue and environment  it is placed in.

This means that I would rather combine BMPs with a seed colony of cartilage to get things to start growing. So which BMP’s are currently shown to have high chondrocyte differentiation potential?

So far, the best studied BMPs are the BMP-2 and the BMP-7. Others are less well known and less studied.

Study #1: From the study “Osteogenesis versus chondrogenesis by BMP-2 and BMP-7 in adipose stem cells.” it would seem that from at least the progenitor cells which we find in adult human bone marrow, which are known as the adipose tissue derived mesenchymal stem cells (AT-MSCs) the BMP-7 is the one that will go into the chondrogenic lineage while the BMP-2 is the one that will give us bone tissue.

So to outline…

  • The closest progenitor cells we have next to the long bones is the adipose tissue derived mesenchymal stem cells found in the marrow which is encapsulated by the inter-medullary cavity of each long bone in the adult human body. 
  • The shortened named for adipose tissue derived mesenchymcal stem cells is AT-MSCs.
  • We will turn AT-MSCs into bone tissue using BMP-2
  • We will turn AT-MSCs into cartilage tissue using BMP-7

Study #2: From the study “Differential effects of BMP-2 and TGF-beta1 on chondrogenic differentiation of adipose derived stem cells” it would seem that we can get the BMP-2 which would create bone tissue alone to create cartilage tissue if it is combined with TGF-Beta1. The alkaline phosphatase creation by BMP-2 alone is inhibited, while glycosaminoglycan is also increased. Collagen Type X and Collagen Type 2 mRNA are both increased. 

So to outline…

  • The term adipose-derived adult stem cells is shortened to ASCs. This is the same as AT-MSCs.
  • BMP-2 and TGF-beta1 together causes ASCs to develop into chondrocytes completely.
  • increased Glycoaminoglycans, Collagen Type X, Collagen Type 2, while inhibiting Alkaline phosphatase.

Study #3: “Regulation of differentiation pathway of skeletal mesenchymal cells in cell lines by transforming growth factor-beta superfamily.

Main Take-away: BMP-2 induces the undifferentiated mesenchymal progenitors to differentiate into osteoblasts, chondrocytes and adipocytes

Study #4: “[Recent advances in researches on bone formation–role of BMP in bone formation].”

Main Take-away: BMPs not only inhibit myogenic differentiation but also convert differentiation pathway of some myogenic cells into an osteoblast lineage

Study #5: “Adenovirus mediated BMP-13 gene transfer induces chondrogenic differentiation of murine mesenchymal progenitor cells.”

This study was interesting because it seems that while BMP-13 which is also known as CDMP-2 which is short for cartilage-derived morphogenic protein-2 seems to sort of support the differentiation of the progenitor cells towards chondrocytes but not to complete differentiation.

The important points to learn from this study are…

  • BMP-13 is still expressed in human growing bodies in the articular cartilage
  • BMP-13 aka CDMP-2 compound was found to be very good at healing tendons after surgery. 
  • BMP-2 stimulated the overal endochondral ossification process.

I would like to note the important parts of what is said in the results…

“Analysis of gene expression in hBMP-13-transduced cells demonstrated presence of cartilage-specific markers, absence of hypertrophic chondrocyte specific markers, and upregulation of proteoglycan biosynthesis. In particular, hBMP-13-transduced cells had significantly less and delayed expression of alkaline phosphatase activity and calcium mineral accumulation than hBMP-2-transduced cells…In summary, hBMP-13, while stimulating chondrogenesis, failed to support differentiation to hypertrophic chondrocytes and endochondral ossification similar to hBMP-2. Thus, this may prove to be a useful strategy for cell-based regeneration of articular cartilage.”

  • BMP-13 by itself, if not added into a genetically engineering adenovirus seems to push the progenitor cells towards the chondrogenic lineage while keeping the chondrocytes from ever going into the hypertrophy phase which means that they might have uses towards the regeneration of articular cartilage. 

Let me note at this point something that Tyler said as a comment on the post “How To Buy Your Own Bone Morphogenetic Proteins From Invitrogen And Life Technologies”

“Human Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells already express BMP-2, 4, and 6 and spontaneously differentiate into osteocytes when placed in culture. So more than BMP-2 is needed for hBMSC chondrocyte differentiation.”

It seems that his research agrees with mine but the claim that the mesenchymes can already create BMP-2, 4, and 6 resulting in only osteocytes means that we have to look for some else besides only using the BMP-2, 4, or 6.

Study #6: Osteoinductive growth factors can aid bone growth in orthopedic procedures

“…But only some BMPs form ectopic bone….The most osteoinductive factors are BMP-2, -6 and -9. The intermediate ones are BMP-4 and -7 which have more limited inductivity properties with mesenchymal stem cells”

What this source seems to suggest is that the BMPs that have the most effect towards bone tissue growth are BMP-2, 6, and 9 which is something which past research seems to agree with. It seems that while the BMP-2 has less osteoinductive abilities, it is much better for making cartilage tissue…

The other thing that this source reveals is the two major companies who are willing to sell the two types of BMPs allowed by the FDA…

FDA Approved BMPS

  1. Recombinant human BMP-2 – Used For: INFUSE Bone Graft – Company: Medtronic
  2. BMP-7 aka OP-1 – Used For: Implant – Company: Stryker Biotech

Study #7: Comparative review of growth factors for induction of three-dimensional in vitro chondrogenesis in human mesenchymal stem cells isolated from bone marrow and adipose tissue

So it seems that bone marrow derived adult human stem cells and adipose derived stem cells can both differentiate into chondrocytes or cartilage cells. They are known as MSCs and ASCs

The study was great because they did a complete review and analysis of the various types of growth factors which would be really good in inducing chondrogenesis in vitro…

“To date, the most promising growth factors for chondrogenesis appear to be TGFbeta-3 and bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)-6”

What is sort of contradictory information from this study was that the people said that the best growth factors were…

  • TGF-Beta3
  • BMP-6

I can definitely believe TGF-Beta 3 but I am not sure about the BMP-6 since in the last source it said that BMP-6 was one of the best osteoinductive growth factors. How can BMP-6 be the best at making progenitor stem cells turn into bone tissue and cartilage tissue? It has to be better at turning new cells into one of the two types of tissues, not both.

For these people from 2010 in North Carolina State University (NCSU) they say this

  • Best for MSCs – TGF-Beta3 & Dexamethasone (and possibly addition of BMP-6)
  • Best for ASCs – All three growth factors together’

What is interesting is that the researchers do admit that the chondrogenic lineage that is formed don’t seem to be all that stable.

Study #8: Combination of transforming growth factor-beta2 and bone morphogenetic protein 7 enhances chondrogenesis from adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells.

This study was very short and sweet managing to comfirm previous studies…

Chondrogenesis will result from adipose tissue derived MSCs using: TGF-Beta2 & BMP-7

This study was most insightful since there was a 7 groups analyzed..

  1. Group 1: Negative control Group w/o any growth factors but do have 5 ng/mL TGF-Beta2
  2. Group 2: BMP-2 at 100 ng/mL
  3. Group 3: BMP_6 at 100 ng/mL
  4. Group 4: BMP-7 at 100 ng/mL
  5. Group 5: TGF-Beta2 & BMP-2 (5 & 100 respectively)
  6. Group 6: TGF-Beta2 & BMP-6 (5 & 100 respectively)
  7. Group 7: TGF-Beta2 & BMP-7 (5 & 100 respectively)
  8. There was also a positive control group where the MSCS were bone marrow derived and added with 5 ng/mL of TGF-Beta 2

This shows that when we compare the effectiveness in being able to create cartilage tissue of BMP2, 6, and 7, by themselves alone and with another growth factor being TGF-Beta2, the BMP-7 is the best when it is used in the BMP-TGF-Beta combination.

The results from this study are very interesting and agree with many older points, but don’t agree with the two points made in study 6 and study 7.


So it seems that some people are saying that the best growth factor combination is using BMP-6 with dexamethasone and others are saying the best is TGF-Beta2 & BMP-7. At this point, I would say that the single best chondrogenic growth factor that will lead to cartilage formation is probably the TGF-Beta2 & BMP-7 combination. For me, it would seem that the TGF-Beta, 2 or 3, is good combined with any growth factor. I have not done enough research, but I am going to assume right now that the chondrogenic synergistic effect of adding either TGF-Beta 2 or 3 with a BMP is about the same change for all types of BMPs (2, 6, 7, and 13).

So I am saying that the best option I know of right now, besides using the GDF-5 is the BMP-7 as the main growth factor to be added. With it, we will supplement its chondrocyte differentiating ability with TGF-Beta2. There is some evidence that maybe BMP-13 would help too, but that is still undetermined at this time.

Reasons Why Most People Will Choose All Other Height Increase Techniques Except Limb Lengthening Surgery

From my research, I wanted to compiled together all the possible reasons why people who wish to become taller are willing to choose all forms of height increase techniques except the one that would almost always guarantee that they will see height increase. The one form of method that will almost always give results is through limb lengthening surgery.

For me personally, I don’t mind surgery or going through something invasive, as long as it can give me the results in less time with less pain, and possibly less money. Let’s remember that the reason why so many height seekers are completely rejecting the idea and option of limb lengthening surgery, distraction osteogenesis completely without even considering the idea.

Too expensive – Something like this would range usually around $50,000-$100,000 for each routine

Too time consuming – At least 1 year of one’s life will be lost due to the surgery, the lengthening process, the healing, and the physical therapy, as well as the follow ups, the check-ups, etc.

Too much pain – While the surgery may be not so painful since the person is put under painkillers, the whole process where they will experience the phenomena of getting their bones pulled everyday a fraction of a millimeter would be very painful.

Loss of other opportunities from this commitment – Since this process takes a full year to do, a person will be not just lossing the time of their life, but also missed opportunities towards doing something which would obviously be more fun, less painful, and fulfilling.

Too much risk in terms of other medical complications – I personally think that this type of issue is very small and that people who are too scared, fearful, or don’t know enough blow this part out of proportion.

The surgery that is actually done is not as gruesome as the journalists make it seem. The initial fracture is done with a chisel and hammer to break the hard cortical bone but the scary part are the metal spoke/wires that go through the leg which are then wrapped with metal rings to stablize the now two bone pieces from moving away from the non-union space.

Some movie like Gattaca show the person who is getting limb lengthening surgery have this metal rings around their leg and them going through excrutiating pain. That is true but the main reason for that pain is the nerver endings in the area of where a callus develops from the induced initial fracture which are being pulled apart at a consistent rate.

It looks scary because people don’t like the idea of metal sticking out of their legs and always feelings the pain of agitation caused by tissue-metal interactions activating nerve endings.

We have the reasons for why we don’t wish for an invasive approach very clearly stated however are the reasons really as serious and horrifying as some people in the media make them seem?

What I am suggesting is that maybe us as height increase seekers should take a good look at the one option which most of us completely refuse since it is the one technique that will almost always guarantee longer legs and increase height.