Monthly Archives: January 2014

Hong Kong Singer Hins Cheung Uses A Stretching Machine To Grow Taller

Hong Kong Singer Hins Cheung Uses A Stretching Machine To Grow Taller

Stretching Machine To Grow TallerI do frequent the forums and discussion boards on the internet where people find interesting tidbits and stories of things related to height and endeavors at height increase. Something that was sort of interesting was one story linked by someone in one of the forums which showed an article written back in 2008 about this Hong Kong Singer named Hins Cheung. I’ve never been to Hong Kong or know much about the Asian entertainment scene so this is the first time I ever even knew this guy existed.

Update: This story was first published in The New Paper on July 24, 2008.

It seems that this guy who was around 27-28 back then was using some type of body stretching machine to try to increase his height. From the article which was published on Asia One News (Read the story here). I did take the liberty to clip a picture of the article in case the article or webpage is lost.

Hins Cheung

It says that the singer was around 1.73 meters tall which would translate to around 5′ 8″ which is actually not too short based on asian standards. I am not sure but I would guess that the Chinese average male height is probably around the 5′ 7″- 5′ 9″ range.

The claim made by the singer Hins Cheung was that after using this device for maybe a year or so he has managed to gain around 3 cms of height, which is slightly more than 1 inch. Of course the article claims that he diligently uses the machine every day for 30 minutes to stretch his arms and legs. I quote the guy saying the following “Now, no matter how busy my schedule gets, I make it a point to use it every day”

The name of the product is called ‘zheng gao xie dian‘ or ‘gain height shoe shop‘.{I couldn’t find anything about this device online.  Maybe it’s a translation issue and it’s actually distraction osteogenesis?  Without seeing the device it’s hard to evaluate-Tyler}

The author suggests in the article that this Chinese singer is obsessed with height. He feels uncomfortable onstage with taller male performers. That would definitely be some sort of inferiority complex. The reasoning he gives was his mother who would compare his size to his cousins when he was young. It might have caused some type of strange body dysmorphic syndrome

What I personally find very interesting is why this guy who has so much wealth, fame, and influence still have that type of issue. My personal desire to become taller was sort of some type of mental complex used as a overcompensation ego technique that I was not as intellectually gifted as I wished to be. Of course every one of us has our own little insecurities and demons to deal with.

The author of the article shows that apparently Hins is already at the “height” (great pun) of his field. This guy was a former recording studio engineer and released his album first back in 2002. Clearly he has done extremely well with many adoring female fans.

However the article revealed that he would never feel comfortable with dating a taller female. That is quite interesting. I would suggest that maybe he has issues with his own masculinity which seems to be too much connected to his size.

The end of the article reveals that he has thought about the limb lengthening surgery and would indeed go through with it if the chance presented to him. The rational was that the Chinese market was very competitive and going under the knife was a logical step for anyone trying to look better (aka become taller)

Quoted from him…

‘In competitive China, money can buy many things. If one can afford to pay for plastic surgery to make himself look better, there is no crime in it….And I agree with this view. If there’s anything that I feel needs to be changed later down the road, I would not rule out plastic surgery….In my line, it is common and almost a form of respect that even males put on makeup.'”

Of course our question to this adult man who is considering going through surgery to improve his appearance is this. Can you handle the amount of pain involved? Can you just suspend or stall an entire singer and writing career at least 8 months of your entire life to dedicate yourself to increase only the height?

Using A Portable Folding Cot To Decompress Spinal Discs

Using A Portable Folding Cot To Decompress Spinal Discs

Folding CotRecently I had to move out of the regular apartment room I had been living in for the last year or so while there was some renovation work being done on the bathroom area. Since I had been living with my girlfriend in the very small room for cost reasons, it was not possible to stay in the apartment due to toxic odors being used. The bathroom and bedroom was in the same space. The result was the fact that I had to stay and live with her father for a while. That was quite awkward to say the least. Since he was not expecting company, he only had a type of fold up cot ready. That was what I slept on for a few days. What happened was actually very surprising. I noticed that I actually got a really good night’s sleep.

That is unusual since I actually have some sleeping problems and have a lower back pain problem. It seems that it does take me a long time to get comfortable on a mattress. I can only sleep with I am fully relaxed and comfortable. I really enjoyed the cot and wondered what was going on. When I woke up at night I noticed that I felt great, my lower back pain completely disappeared, and I actually noticed that I looked taller, at least right after waking up. Since I was in who could be my future father-in-law’s apartment, there was no way to possibly get an accurate measurement of my height. Was I really taller than my usual morning height from sleeping on this strange camping cot? I knew that most doors in most countries have a certain height and I had to get a plastic ruler to make a very close measurement of the top of my head to the top of the door, factoring in the distance of the door’s bottom to the surface of the floor. When I did that, I got a reasonably close measurement of what my height was in the morning right after waking up. Now that I have come back to the normal apartment, I did a comparison of my height from a night’s sleep in the normal bed.

I found that there was probably a full 1/4th of an inch difference between the two measurements. The difference was indeed noticeable. 1/4th of an inch is slightly more than 1/2 of an cm and that is something that can’t be attributed to just measurement error, especially since I recently shaved my hair to a thin layer very recently.

This showed that at least for my body, sleeping on different types of beds did have some type of effect. What I am guessing with the cot that I was sleeping on was that the cot was not bed downward like most models, but bent slightly upwards. That strange army cot was old looked to have been used too much many decades ago.

The upwards bent was something that I could easily feel on my mid to lower back region. It was not painful but just a strange feeling to be sleeping being bend downwards. I did not notice anything like all the blood traveling due to gravity downwards to my the top of my head but I could feel that the middle of my body was elevated higher than the others. What I would suspect is that the portable folding cot somehow over the night slowly caused my body to decompress spinal discs until the discs filled back up with cerebral spinal fluid or whatever is in the center of the intervertebral discs. I would later learn it was called the nucleus pulposus which is gelatinous in feel.

Obviously this idea of sleeping on bent up portable cots is not a final permanent solution on helping people end up taller or increasing their height but it seems to be doing quite well in increase the morning after wakeup height by a significant amount that is definitely noticeable. Obviously the increase in height is temporary but that does show that even from sleeping on the right type of unit would result in one’s height to increase slightly.

Electromagnetic Stimuli and Resonance Frequency Vibrations For Tissue Transdifferentiation

Electromagnetic Stimuli and Resonance Frequency Vibrations For Tissue Transdifferentiation

Tissue TransdifferentiationI was recently listening to this episode where a person went on the radio to talk about how the late Nikola Tesla proclaimed that most of the universe’s hidden secrets can be found if a person would approach his analysis through the lens of looking at the world from a perspective of it being electromagnetic stimuli, energy, frequencies, and vibrations. The most famous quote to this claim was “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration” – Nikola Tesla.

When I think back to this claim, I feel that there is probably more and more evidence that the proclamation is right. I remember back during my undergraduate days studying the higher level of classical mechanics. Beyond say the introductory physics course where we are asked to solve for different variables using the ideas of forces and momentums, it is possible to be much more mathematically elegant to solve the same problems using the principle of just energy alone.

For example, the Lagrangian formulation/interpretation of solving the problems of classical mechanics can be done on the principle of finding the path for the state or motion of least action. At the core of this entirely new approach on calculating say the motion of movement of a system being studied is the Langrangian Function which is really just the sum of the kinetic energy and the potential energy, either from a set initial point to an end point, or a set initial time point to a end time point. The function is L=T+V. The letter T represents the total kinetic energy of the system and the letter V represents the total potential energy of the system. What you get eventually is a large 2nd order differential equation you have to simply and solve for the value you are looking for. We obviously are not going to get into the mathematics of any physics in this post, but just explain the principles using words.

In addition, here is something known as the action of the system (S), which is defined in words to be “The summation of the Langragian function over time from an initial time point to an end time point” aka calculus integral function. The goal when you are solving a system is to figure out which path or state of the system would minimize that S.

One of the main reasons why this way of calculating motions, states, and other variables of the system is that by using just the principle of energy (Kinetic plus Potential) we don’t have to worry about the transition from one cartesian coordinate system into another. Remember that the original Newtonian way to calculate forces and motion required that you use the concept of vectors, which had a standard 3 parts to it. With this way, you can calculate out a single value with a single numerical value or symbol instead of having it in 3 parts.  For more information on what the hell I am talking about Click Here.

Getting back to the Main Point…

Beyond just giving a short explanation on physics, what I am hoping to show the reader is that the principle of energy can often be used to explain away phenomena as well as be used as a tool to solve problems which might be too hard in another approach.

In the same way, we can use the idea of waves, vibrations, frequency, and vibrations to explain certain phenomena that say using the traditional approach. Remember what happened in the Double Slit Experiment. A light source was shined through some type of solid pain with two parallel slits. You are looking at the wall or the surface behind the pane and if you see interference then the phenomena that is first reaches the pane has characteristics of a wave. The ramifications of the experiment showed that wave phenomena has properties of both wave and particles. This implied that particles (at least the very small ones) have characteristics of waves as well. Since we are using principles of frequency, wavelength, etc. to describe what could be considered another area of physics, we could use intuitive reasoning to extrapolate this idea that all phenomena could be explained using a waves and vibrations view of the dynamics of the universe. If that is the case, then maybe we could use waves and vibration stimuli to solve many engineering problems as well as medical problems.

What I am overall trying to get at is that maybe the simplest way to induce a statistically impossible biological process to happen, all we need to do is figure out what is the optimum level of energy or frequency, what is the right type of energy or stimuli to use, and what location we need to use it on.

When I look back at all of the ideas I have proposed over the last two years on how we might be able to get bones to grow again, I have gone through almost every single idea. Here is a list of most the types of stimuli I have looked into.

In my most recent seminal post about using a combination of silver acupuncture needles as a form of electrode to transmit a very small intensity level of Direct Current to stimulate cartilage and the periosteum to increase their size, I had used over a dozen old studies and citations of experiments done by researchers from back in the 80s to validate the concept. The PEMF technology I described would work with around 95% confidence in over its efficacy.

That post was Electromagnetic Stimuli Will Increase Ossification and Make Bones Longer, Big Breakthrough!

Function GeneratorI had previous showed that it might be possible to induce the bones to increase the rate of endochondral ossification with something as simple as a Function Generator or even a TENS Unit which often cost less than $100.

Take a look at the older post Do We Use A TENS Electronic Pulse Massager or A Function Generator?

At this point I have no clue what could be the biomolecular reason why sending something as simple as a pulsed electrical signal at a signal could induce human tissue of all varieties to have some type of effect. If we actually think about it, it should make perfect sense. Just think about what actually makes the human brain (or any brain) work anyway. The fundamental unit of the nervous system is the neuron, a nerve cell. (Sure you have stuff like the Ganglia but that is not the point.) The whole point of the neuron is to have the dendrites on the neuron cell body to integrate (add up over the surface) all of the biochemical signal into a type of voltage potential. When all the built up potential reached in the neuron to a certain threshold, an electrical current is fired from the cell down the axon, to the tips, which are close to the dendrites of other neurons.

The same can be said for the human heart. If we remember our introductory CPR class, the whole reason for pushing in a rhythmic fashion on the chest is to get the heart to beat again, so that the heart can act as a type of biological pump to push the blood through the vessels around the entire body to feed the tissues who always need ATP. When the Paramedics (or EMT) first gets to a body of a person who is not responding and/or unconscious, they check to see if they are breathing and has a pulse. The indication of a pulse, means that the heart in the person’s body is at least doing its job of pumping the blood, nutrients, minerals, and oxygen around to sustain the cells and tissues. If the heart stops, there is no pulse.

ElectrocardiographyThe heart operates actually on a very clear rhythm of electrical signal. For the people who have ever had an ECG (Electrocardiography) done, they have probably been told that what is being measured is the electrical signal that is coming from the heart beating. If there is some type of irregularity in the heartbeats, this is known as arrhythmia. To correct for it most people get some type of internal Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator. If however the person is already on the ground, most emergency rescue personnel with some type of advanced life support (ALS) or basic life support training (BLS) will use some type of portable external defibrillators to reset the rhythm of the heart beating. What we are trying to say is that at the most basic level, our most important internal organs, the brain and heart, both operate on electrical current.

In one of my most recent posts Tyler said that what I was proposing, the changing of the bone tissue into cartilage tissue would be cell transdifferentiation. I countered to point out that if we are trying to regenerate epiphyseal growth plate cartilage tissue from bone tissue, it would not be enough. Even if we could do the transdifferentiation step, we still have to figure out what to do about the other biological, molecular, organic, and nonorganic material in the extracellular matrix of the bone. We might not need to worry about some organic and biological compounds like the collagen and proteins but we do have to worry about the inorganic compounds and minerals. The most common problem would be the Calcium Hydroxyapatite crystals which is the mineral that is causing the bones to become so strong and have such a high level of compression strength.

There are two things we have to induce.

  1. Changing the terminally differentiated osteoblasts and osteoclasts into chondrocytes
  2. Removing the minerals and inorganic compounds in the bone composition that causes the defining characteristic and properties of bone tissue.

However, it would probably be much easier to do the 2nd process. We have already shown in previous posts that using something as simple as Vinegar (Ascetic Acid) covering bone would be enough to chelate the hard minerals. This is known as bone decalcification. The hard part would be the first part.

How do we turn one type of cell into another?

The basic idea proposed by Dr. Robert Becker from his book (which I am still reading) shows that besides say the red blood cells which have no nucleus and the gametes which have just have the number of chromosomes, most cells in the human body does have dormant genes which are no longer turned on beyond a certain stage in prenatal development of child growth. How and why those genes are not turned on has not been figured out yet. What this suggest to some of us hopefuls is that idea that maybe using some type of stimuli, which I propose in this post to be electromagnetic or vibrational wave in nature, targeted in the right way could reactivate those genes again. If the same gene or microRNA in enough cells are activated, it might mean that we can get transdifferentiation to work and get one cell to possibility turn of the trigger causing them to become bone cells and turn on the one causing them to directly turn into cartilage cells aka chondrocytes.

I suspect that we might be able to use pulsing electrical stimuli or some type of ultrasonic high frequency, low intensity waves to stimulate the cells to go through transdifferentiation in an non-invasive approach similar to how using the MR Guided Focused Ultrasound Surgery works.

The Correlation Between Male Adult Height and Nasal Width and Ear Size

The Correlation Between Male Adult Height and Nasal Width and Ear Size

Ear SizeWhat I wanted to propose in this post is a hypothetical correlation which is from a lifetime of observation. I personally believe that there is a positive correlation between the width of the adult male and their ear size and their overall adult height.

I would suspect that if we were a primatologist and did a measurement of the nose widths of each male gorilla’s nose in a pack in the jungles of Eastern Africa, we would find that the alpha male who would have more testosterone would have on average a slightly wider nose and/or larger ears than the beta males which traditionally have thinner noses and smaller ears.

Of course it is easy to dismiss this by some people as common sense. Alpha males in gorilla packs tend to be bigger and taller than the beta males. That is from a slightly higher level of testosterone than the average level. Just from a proportionally of body parts perspectively, it would make sense that alpha male would thus have larger noses (as well as larger jaws, crane sizes, hands, etc)

However, I wanted to take the hypothesis and use it to as a sort of heuristic trick to help people determine which pre-pubescent young males still in elementary school before the growth spurt/puberty phase is most likely to get the largest growth spurts and end up the tallest.

If you measured the widths of each boy’s nose and the width of their ears and averaged out the boys of one class, it can be used to tell which males would end up taller than their peers as adults when their schooling is over

The same can be said about the ears. I propose the hypothesis that if we looked at the width of a young male’s ears compared to their male peers before they start puberty, we would have an accurate chance in predicting which boys would end up taller than the others.

We have found from at least 3 sources, including PubMed studies that the ears and noses actually never stop growing throughout a person’s life. It is said that over a 50 year span (after the normal growth phase has ended through complete bone maturity) a person will have their ears grow 1 cm overall.

In one of the references we have listed, it was claimed that because the ears and nose are cartilage, which never harden, they have the ability to expand. Unfortunately they are not hyaline cartilage, but fibrocartilage. Fibrocartilage is one of 3 different types of cartilages found in the human body. It does not have the orderly laminar layer hyaline cartilage structure so it doesn’t expand in some type of specific direction like the way the long bones growth during the normal endochondral ossification process. The fibrocartilage does grow and expand as the collagen in the extracellular matrix expands but it is very slowly.

So how does the fact that our ears and nose can still grow into old age (our 60s-70s) help us?

It shows that as long as there is some cartilage tissue, there is some chances for the cartilage to expand, even if the cartilage is fibrocartilage. Since the bones for most adults past normal growth phases (ei 20-50) still have a layer of articular cartilage, which is hyaline cartilage, then we can theoretically stimulate whatever cartilage we have left in the joints between our bones to increase slightly in size.

If our noses and ears can grow bigger, then we can make our bodies get bigger vertically if we can get the cartilage to increase in thickness in certain directions.

Again, I suspect that one can measure how tall a young boy will be relative to his male peers by comparing the width of their ears and noses before they hit puberty.

Can Meclizine be absorbed in the human body?

Earlier I wrote that Meclizine was a very promising height growth supplement for people with open growth plates.

Here’s information on the dosages of Meclizine.  Information on the bottle should be followed.  25 to 50mg daily is what seems to be recommended.  Resistance to Meclizine may develop over time if the body begins to produce more CYP2D6.  At that point cycling would be necessary.  I can’t do research on all the possible side effects on Meclizine.  Since Meclizine is a common medication given for nausea, a doctor or pharmacist would be helpful for insight.  Especially, since it is something I just recently discovered and do not have a great deal of experience with.

Theoretically, Meclizine will only increase height in people with actively proliferating growth plate chondrocytes.  And it will only increase height in proportion to how much proliferation growth plate chondrocytes have.  So if you don’t have much natural growth left, meclizine won’t give you much growth.

Meclizine has similar effects to CNP in that both inhibit FGFR3.  However, CNP has additional effects.  For one, CNP increases levels of Guanyl Cyclase.  Since studies on Meclizine are limited, it is possible there are also as of yet unknown side effects.

Can Meclizine be absorbed and get to the growth plate chondrocytes where it exerts it’s height increasing effects by inhibiting FGFR3?

Given the below results of Meclizine being present in the serum, which would likely be delivered to growth plate chondrocytes, it is likely that yes Meclizine could indeed get to the growth plate chondrocytes.

Meclizine metabolism and pharmacokinetics: formulation on its absorption.

the onset of action of meclizine was about 1 hour for the treatment of motion sickness and vertigo. A new suspension formulation of meclizine (MOS) was developed with the intention to achieve a rapid effect. To investigate the pharmacokinetics of the new MOS formulation versus the marketed meclizine oral tablet (MOT), a phase 1 pharmacokinetic study was performed in 20 healthy volunteers. In addition, an in vitro metabolic study using human hepatic microsome and recombinant CYP enzyme was also performed to determine the metabolic pathway in the human body. The plasma concentration of MOS appeared more rapidly in comparison to the MOT. The geometric mean ratios (90% confidence interval) of AUC(0-24) and AUC(0-∞) indicated no significant difference in bioavailability between the 2 formulations. CYP2D6 was found to be the dominant enzyme for metabolism of meclizine, and its genetic polymorphism could contribute to the large interindividual variability{So individual variations in CYP2D6 enzyme could affect the ability of meclizine to increase height in individuals with active growth plates?}.”

” In one anecdotal report, a serum level of 10 ng/mL was reported at 12 hours following an oral dose of 75 mg, and the elimination half-life of the parent compound was 6 hours. In another report, the plasma concentration-time profile of 1 subject was described, and the AUC0–24 and half-life were found to be 66.6 ng/ml·h and 7 hours, respectively. In rats, meclizine was distributed throughout most body tissues, found to cross the placenta, and metabolized in the liver to an inactive form, norchlorcyclizine. When give extravascularly, the drug is excreted in feces and urine unchanged or as metabolites such as norchlorcyclizine”<-If Meclizine is excreted or converted to the inactive form it’s not going to increase height.  However, Meclizine does seem to be present in serum and in rats was present in most body tissues

Meclizine Inhibits Mitochondrial Respiration through Direct Targeting of Cytosolic Phosphoethanolamine Metabolism.

meclizine, an over-the-counter drug, as an inhibitor of mitochondrial respiration{Could this inhibition of mitochondrial respiration be linked to the height increase effects?}. Curiously, meclizine blunted respiration in intact cells but not in isolated mitochondria, suggesting an unorthodox mechanism. Using a metabolic profiling approach, we now show that treatment with meclizine leads to a sharp elevation of cellular phosphoethanolamine, an intermediate in the ethanolamine branch of the Kennedy pathway of phosphatidylethanolamine biosynthesis. Metabolic labeling and in vitro enzyme assays confirmed direct inhibition of the cytosolic enzyme CTP:phosphoethanolamine cytidylyltransferase (PCYT2). Inhibition of PCYT2 by meclizine led to rapid accumulation of its substrate, phosphoethanolamine, which is itself an inhibitor of mitochondrial respiration. Our work identifies the first pharmacologic inhibitor of the Kennedy pathway, demonstrates that its biosynthetic intermediate is an endogenous inhibitor of respiration. ”

They tested on fibroblasts but not on chondrocytes and stem cells.

Growth plate versus articular cartilage

Regulation of growth plate and articular chondrocyte differentiation : implications for longitudinal bone growth and articular cartilage formation

“the embryonic Ihh/PTHrP feedback system is maintained postnatally except that the source of PTHrP has shifted to a more proximal location in the resting zone.”

“in articular cartilage, superficial chondrocytes differentiate from chondrocytes in the deeper layers following a program that has some similarities to the hypertrophic differentiation program in growth plate cartilage.”

“transplanting growth plate cartilage to the articular surface in an EGFP rat model that enabled cell tracing. We found that hypertrophic differentiation appeared to be inhibited in growth plate cartilage transplanted to the articular surface. The transplanted cartilage also underwent structural remodeling into articular-like cartilage, which suggests that the synovial microenvironment inhibits hypertrophic differentiation and promotes articular cartilage formation.”<-So if we change the bone microenvironment we could encourage growth cartilage.

“An essential genetic switch for patterning of skeletal elements is the expression of Hox genes, which encode a highly conserved family of transcription factors. Mesenchymal condensations are initially uninterrupted and at a later time differentiate into chondrocytes that express type II collagen”

“At the bottom of the proliferative zone, chondrocytes stop proliferating and undergo hypertrophy, a process characterized by gains in cell height, intracellular volume, and organelle size up to 4-, 10-, and 3-fold, respectively, and that also contributes to longitudinal bone growth”

“infection of embryonic chick limbs with retroviruses encoding BMP-2, -4, and GDF-5 increased chondrogenesis and final sizes of skeletal elements”

“in vitro administration of BMP-2 to rat fetal metatarsal bones or mouse embryonic stem cell lines increased chondrocyte proliferation and hypertrophy, whereas addition of Noggin elicited the opposite effect of preventing hypertrophic differentiation, thus indicating endogenous production of BMPs”

“mice deficient in both BMPR-IA and -IB receptors in cartilage lacked most skeletal elements that form by endochondral ossification and those that formed were rudimentary, demonstrating the importance of BMP signaling in early chondrogenesis. Conversely, mice overexpressing the BMPR-IA receptor had shortened proliferative columns and accelerated hypertrophic differentiation in the growth plate, suggesting BMP signaling also stimulates chondrocyte maturation”

“loss of BMP antagonism[BMP inhibitors] in Noggin and Gremlin knock-out mice led to multiple skeletal abnormalities including enlarged growth plates and defective patterning and outgrowth of limbs.”<-So increasing BMP expression does always increase growth but it depends on whether it’s worth the side effects.

“cartilage-specific overexpression of antagonist Smad6 in mice caused significantly delayed chondrocyte hypertrophy, thin trabecular bones, and dwarfism”

“activating mutations of PTHR1 cause Jansen’s metaphyseal chondrodysplasia characterized by short bowed limbs with normal growth plates but disorganized metaphyseal regions, whereas inactivating mutations of PTHR1 cause Blomstrand lethal chondrodysplasia characterized by short limbs, increased bone density, and advanced skeletal maturation”

“As proliferative chondrocytes grow distant from the source of PTHrP they undergo hypertrophy. Ihh is produced by prehypertrophic and hypertrophic chondrocytes and signals by perichondrium dependent and independent pathways to periarticular chondrocytes to express PTHrP, proliferative chondrocytes to increase the rate of cell division, and perichondrial cells to form bone collar”

“Perichondrial cells produce FGF-1, -2, -6, -7, -9, -18, -21, and -22, whereas growth plate chondrocytes only express FGF-2, -7, -18, and -22 at very levels, suggesting that FGFs from the perichondrium are the main regulators of chondrogenesis”

“In the growth plate and surrounding tissues, FGFR1 is expressed by prehypertrophic and hypertrophic chondrocytes, FGFR2 is expressed by the perichondrium and the c isoform by resting chondrocytes, FGFR3 expression has been more controversial being suggested in all zones, and FGFR4 is expressed by resting and proliferative chondrocytes”

“overexpression [of FGF-2] in mice causes shortened body length, expanded resting and
proliferative zones, and reduced hypertrophic zone”

“overexpression of Notch-1 in the ATDC5 chondrogenic cell line inhibited chondrogenesis and expression of Notch markers were shown to decline with the differentiation of human articular chondrocytes in pellet mass cultures”

“decreased Wnt signaling in articular cartilage compared to the growth plate due to
increased expression of Wnt antagonists FRP and Dkk-1″<-inhibitors of Wnt signaling may downregulate hypertrophic differentiation.

“We first found that Ihh, Patched, Smoothened, Gli1, Gli2, Gli3, and PTHR1 were expressed in regions analogous to the expression domains in prenatal epiphyseal
cartilage: Ihh was differentially expressed in the prehypertrophic (pre-HZ) and
hypertrophic (HZ) zones; Patched, the receptor for Ihh, was expressed in the resting
(RZ) and proliferative (PZ) zones and perichondrium; Smoothened, a second messenger
of Ihh signaling, was differentially expressed in RZ, PZ, and perichondrium; Gli1, Gli2,
and Gli3, transcription factors with activity downstream of Ihh, were differentially
expressed in RZ, PZ, and perichondrium; and PTHR1, the receptor for PTHrP, was
differentially expressed in pre-HZ and HZ. Most notable, however, was that PTHrP
was differentially expressed in RZ, which is a site that differs from the prenatal source
of PTHrP, the periarticular cells”

“We found that, at gestational day 16 (E16), lacZ activity was most pronounced in the superficial articular cartilage and perichondrium and gradually dissipated toward a minimum in HZ. At 1 week of age, lacZ activity was high in the articular cartilage, RZ, PZ, and perichondrium, whereas expression was low in HZ and minimal in hypertrophic cells located in the middle of the epiphysis where the secondary ossification later forms. At 4, 8, and 12 weeks of age, the lacZ activity pattern established at 1 week of age was largely maintained with distinct expression in the articular cartilage, RZ, PZ, and perichondrium, except that the superficial chondrocytes in articular cartilage lost detectable lacZ activity.”

“the prenatal Ihh/PTHrP feedback loop is maintained in the postnatal growth plate, except that the source of PTHrP has shifted to the resting zone. Since the number of resting zone chondrocytes decline with age[which produces PTHrP], our finding may explain why the height of proliferative columns shortens with age until the entire growth plate disappears at the end of puberty.”

Characterization of the proliferating layer chondrocytes of growth plate for cartilage regeneration.

“Cell-based therapy is a strategy capable of repair defect cartilage. At present, the articular chodrocytes (ACs) is the cell source for cartilage repair. Problematically, as serial culture, the ACs de-differentiation occurs, may result in graft failure. In present study, we evaluate the chondrogenic capacity and physical characteristics of proliferating layer chondrocytes (PLCs) derivates from growth plate cartilage, clarify its potential capacity for cartilage repair. We found that PLCs preserved more chrondrogenic phenotypes, such as polygonal appearances, whereas ACs appeared fibroblast-like after seventh passage{so growth plate chondrocytes have more differentiation ability}. Profoundly, the ACs expressed higher apoptosis-related proteins, such as cleaved-caspase-9 and cleaved-caspase-3, than PLCs. Also, the PLCs have higher proliferation rate than ACs, the cell-doubling time is 20.9h for PLCs, and 29.5h for ACs. Using flow cytometry, we demonstrated that 26.6% PLCs entered S-phase after 16h serum re-addition to starved cells, compared to 13.3% of ACs. Otherwise, col2a1, aggrecan, sox5, sox6 and sox9 mRNA were significantly increased in PLCs compared to ACs, in contrast, the col1a and col10a1 mRNA expression level in PLCs is less than in ACs. The glycosaminoglycan (GAG) content in PLCs was higher than ACs by the direct 1,9-dimethylmethylene blue (DMB) assay. Histological and immunohistochemical evaluations have demonstrated that significantly more chondrogenic extracellular matrix was detected in PLCs group when compared with ACs group after implantation in nude mice. Taken together, our data indicate the PLCs preserved much more chondrogenic phenotypes than ACs in vitro and in vivo. Those might imply that PLCs as the better cell source for transplantation can effectively repair and regenerate growth plate and articular cartilage.”