Height and Heat

When I perform LSJL on a synovial joint of a limb I do feel an increase in height in that area and that is more than I usual feel due to changes in body heat.

Unilateral Heat Acelerates Bone Elongation and Lengthens Extremities of Growing Mice

“warm ambient temperature increases bone blood supply and bone length in young mice ”

“Local heat could be an alternative to surgery and a supplement to systemic bone -lengthening drugs to noninvasively achieve limb length equalization.”

“3-week old female C57BL/6 mice (N=20 total) were treated once daily to a 40-minute unilateral heating regimen for 14 days post-weaning”

“5-week old mice (N=14) were euthanized for tissue harvest 1 day after the last heat-treatment. OTC was visualized in unfixed proximal tibial slab sections on a fluorescence stereoscope.
Growth rate was estimated from digital images following published methods. 12-week old mice were euthanized 49 days post-heating to evaluate persistent limb length differences at skeletal maturity. Cartilaginous ears were harvested to document a treatment effect, since ear size changes with ambient temperature”

“Skin temperatures of heat-treated limbs and ears averaged 40C as measured by infrared thermometry during the heattreatments. Temperatures of the non-treated side averaged 30C during treatments. Core temperature and respiration were 36C and 60 breaths/min, respectively, under anesthesia. Tibial elongation rate was >12% greater on the heat-treated side of 5-week old mice. The average growth acceleration was nearly 15 µm/day”

“Ear area and hindfoot length on the heat-treated side were increased 8.8% and 3.5%, respectively, compared to the non-treated contralateral side at 5-weeks. Femoral and tibial lengths were increased 1.3% and 1.5%, respectively. To test whether left-right differences were evident at skeletal maturity, mice were examined 49 days after the last treatment at 12-weeks age.  Importantly, ear area and tibial length were still significantly increased on the heat-treated side of adults”

“unilateral exposure of 40C heat for only 40 min/day increased ear area and hindlimb length on the heat-treated side of young mice.”