The Top 10 Most Common Insecurities In Modern Western Heterosexual Adult Men

  1. One’s Penis/Genitalia – Ex: Size, length, girth, aesthetics, and it’s ability to stay erect, impotence
  2. One’s Sexual Ability & Performance – Ex: To satisfy their female partner, Premature Ejaculation, Comparing one’s accomplishments/abilities to their wife/gf’s previous romantic partners
  3. One’s Hair – Ex: Loss of hair, male pattern baldness, thinning and greying
  4. One’s Finances – Ex: Not having enough spending power
  5. One’s Body – Ex: Not buff, no muscle, too thin, no 6-pack
  6. One’s level of success in one’s chosen profession/career/job – Ex: Have not reached one’s goals
  7. One’s Education Level – Ex: How does oneself compare to one’s peers and likely romantic partner
  8. One’s Romantic/Sexual Experience – Ex: Lack of experience
  9. One’s Health – Ex: Chronic problems, like heart disease, cancer scare,
  10. One’s Social Status – Ex: Not having the respect of one’s peers, friends, family, coworkers
  11. One’s Level of Intelligence Compared to Others – Ex: Obviously being less intelligent than others
  12. One’s Height/Stature – Ex: Obviously it would be if one is shorter than average

(Yes, I realize that there is actually 12 that I listed)

If you go talk with most adult men in this modern age, and you asked them the questions

  • “What do you worry about?”
  • “What keeps you up at night and gets you stress out?”
  • “Tell me something that you have never told anyone else about?”
  • “What types of insecurities do you have?”

These 12 things are probably the most common problems that the average guy will tell you. There will obviously be other things that men will talk about, and some strange weird things they get stressed out about but, these 12 issues will be the things that will be brought up over and over again.

If we go down the list of things we should be worried about, one’s health should come first. If you don’t have your health, you have nothing. It doesn’t matter how well you are doing in your professional life or how much money you have. If you are not healthy, you don’t have the opportunity to enjoy it.

Let’s look at everything on this list and ask the reader – Which of these insecurities are factors which would be most obvious to a total stranger who know almost nothing about you?

Obviously it would be the physical.

You can hide the size of your genitalia, your sexual ability, sexual history, level of finances (unless you dress like a slob or are homeless), your education level, your social status, your level of intelligence, level of success in your career, but it is your physical attributes that people will obviously notice immediately. This is how people make their initial judgement on who you are as a person.

In fact, one can be poor, uneducated, no career, no sexual experience, and with low social status, but all of those aspects one can work on. People would tell you that life is a marathon, not a sprint, so you can take years, if not decades to work on becoming wealthy, educated, have a fulfilling career (or multiple careers), have many sexual experiences with a lot of partners, and improve one’s social statues by gaining the respect and admiration of one’s friend’s peers.

As for things like one’s level of intelligence or size of one’s genitalia, those are more genetic than the others, which one can put time, energy, and effort into. Being intelligent is indeed a big requirement in this society which men worry about, but that can be worked on through education, learning, and surrounding oneself with people who are much smarter.

The size/look of one’s genitalia, there seems to be some techniques which can help with that issue, which many young men swear works for them.

This means that a man’s hair, his body, and his height will be the 3 areas which other people will be making a judgement on, which he might have some level of insecurity about.

  • One’s Hair – Ex: Loss of hair, male pattern baldness, thinning and greying
  • One’s Body – Ex: Not buff, no muscle, too thin, no 6-pack
  • One’s Height/Stature – Ex: Obviously it would be if one is shorter than average

As for one’s body, most adult males fill out in width over time. The way the human body works is that while one is very thin when they are still growing vertically when they were younger, their chest and waist eventually grows in width as they reach their 30s and 40s. Very few men ever stay completely skinny throughout their entire lives, especially Americans.

When it comes to the body, one can go to the gym, and over time make themselves muscular, toned, and have a flat stomach.

As for hair, many men these days are actually preferring to shave their head to accentuate their image of masculinity. When their hair starts to thin, or becomes gray, the men choose the shaved look.

Then it comes down to height. Let’s talk about that in the next post, which I will entitle “Is Height Really That Big Of An Issue With Men?”