Tag Archives: Supplement Pill

An Extremely Cheap Alternative Source Of Glucosamine Sulphate Instead Of Buying The Supplement Pills

An Extremely Cheap Alternative Source Of Glucosamine Sulphate Instead Of Buying The Supplement Pills

Going along the same lines as the previous post, which I showed how a person can get a very cheap alternative source to Calcium instead of spending $20 to buy the supplement pills from their local GNC, I wanted to give the readers a very cheap and almost stupidly obviously way to get Glucosamine Sulphate into their system. If you are a regular reader of the website, you already realize that I had been able to definitively prove that orally consuming about 1500 mg of Glucosamine Sulphate daily was shown in a real scientific double blind placebo randomized case study to indeed increase height (minimally though) in a group of subjects who had fully closed growth plates.

It is so obvious that I forgot to write it down for you guys to read.

The cost is nearly free. The source comes from a often thrown away piece of food type, just like the source from the previous post.

So what is it?  – The shells on Shrimp & Crab

Lets me ask the readers this question. When was the last time you ate shrimp with the shell on? When I think back to the number of times I would eat a shrimp with the shell still on, it would be very small. Almost all recipes from all the cultures (Japanese food, Mexican Food, Italian Food, Chinese Food, Greek Food) have the shrimp’s shell removed. Even if the chef (or your mother) cooked the shrimp with the shell own, you most likely peeled off the shell before you ate it, right? I am betting that very few people have preferred to eat the shrimp with the shell on. We treat the shell like the shell of a nut. You are trying to get the meat at the middle, and forgetfully disgard the outer shell, which you think doesn’t have any uses for.

In this file on Glucosamine Sulphate written up by the National Institute of Health, we find that the main way the supplement companies can get the glucosamine is from the shells on crabs and shrimp. The compound is known as Chitin.

Now, glucosamine is a naturally occurring compound in our own bodies, and can even be synthesized in the lab, but it seems the majority of the Glucosamine that is sold in our local GNC is taken from the shells of caught fisherman’s nets filled with shrimp, crab, and other shellfish. The shellfish is taken to some shellfish cannery and when the shellfish has their shell removed, the shells are taken somewhere else to be processed into the supplement pills you find at your local drug store.

(I can give a personal example, which could just be coincidence. I experienced my greatest growth spurt of 5 inches over a summer during the same summer I obsessively went crabbing with my parents and would eat crabs multiple times a week, which did include the internal shells)

I am going to assume that most people have enough money to buy at least a lb of shrimp. They may not know how to cook it, but most people reading this probably have the financial resources to get this extremely overlooked source of chitin derived Glucosamine.

The next time you cook shellfish, like shrimp, don’t throw away the shells. Eat them too, and you probably would notice a few mms of increase in height over a few months even as an adult. For children, the height increasing effects might be much bigger, since they still have cartilage to work with. There have been no studies showing the height and growth effects of eating shellfish’s shells on children, but I would guess that there would be some type of positive effect.