Monthly Archives: October 2014

Stem Cell Therapy Used To Treat Short Stature – Huge Step Forward!

For a while now I have known about the existence of a type of bank known as stem cell banks, which are used to store and preserve the multipotent abilities of a person’s endogenous based cells. The billionaire Mark Cuban has called this type of “medical emergency insurance” as one of the best gifts that you can give to your children. There are probably hundreds of these banks that are around the world currently. Most people in the general public probably don’t see the long term benefits of getting something like this done. It is quite expensive to use this service, which may never be needed at all.

I keep up with many of the online sources which talk about the latest developments in biotech. One source I found linked to the 1st and largest stem cell bank in India, ReeLabs. These guys have figured out and optimized the way that stem cels can be harvested from the placenta, the amniotic sac, and the amniotic fluid. Now, technically Reelabs do not offer stem cell therapy (because they are just the bank, not a clinic), but they did show the possibility when they revealed that Stem Cell Therapy can be used in bone disorders. The only type of bone disorder that the website listed was Achondroplasia.

As we know, Achondroplasia is the most common disorder that causes severe short stature. There are dozens of types and forms of Achondroplasia. We here have studied this disorder extensively. Reelabs has categorized and defined Achondroplasia as a treatable bone disorder, using the stem cell technology. When you have this revolutionary technique compared to the conventional approach, you realize that THERE IS NO Conventional approach.

Refer to Reelab’s webpage on Achondraplasia here.

Some key things to remember

  • The term “Achondroplasia” is used to for both adults with close plates and children with open plates. This is in difference to the way Acromegaly and Gigantism are defined
  • Most likely, when Reelabs say that stem cell therapy can treat achondroplasia, they are most likely referring to children with open growth plates

Now, for some people who read our website regularly, the idea of injecting stem cells into cartilage to make it expand doesn’t seem that big of a leap, but the truth is that I personally have not found one PubMed study which have ever validated this idea. It was always guessed to be possible, but there hasn’t been a group of researchers who tried this and published positive results.

The closest any paper came to doing this was the idea of Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation ACI). An induced injury is done to the growth plates on rabbits and some part of the growth plate cartilage is severely damaged or chipped away. The implantation of some outside sources of cartilage, chondrocyte, or stem cells showed that the growth plate cartilage managed to regenerate. No study or group has come out and said that stem cell injections can cause cartilages to expand.

Since these guys say that it is possible, and maybe also been tested somewhere to get the technique to become optimized, it validates one of the last steps that we really need to get the technique to work on adults with closed growth plates. The shift from open growth plates to close growth plates involves a precursor step, the one where a step distraction is done to the bone and cartilage is implanted in between.

Of course, I had already proved the idea that growth plate cartilage transplantation was viable from the works by Teplyashin’s team and the collaboration by Ballock and Alsberg.


How much growth hormone is needed to cause gigantism?

If gigantism was only caused by excess HGH levels than why is gigantism so rare.  It is likely that extremely high levels of HGH or other factors are needed to cause gigantism.  This study will help us determine how much HGH is above the norm in cases of gigantism.

Gigantism caused by growth hormone secreting pituitary adenoma.

“Gigantism indicates excessive secretion of growth hormones (GH) during childhood when open epiphyseal growth plates allow for excessive linear growth. Case one involved a 14.7-year-old boy presented with extreme tall stature. His random serum GH level was 38.4 ng/mL, and failure of GH suppression{Resistance to GH surpression may be another factor needed for gigantism to be caused} was noted during an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT; nadir serum GH, 22.7 ng/mL). Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain revealed a 12-mm-sized pituitary adenoma. Transsphenoidal surgery was performed and a pituitary adenoma displaying positive immunohistochemical staining for GH was reported. Pituitary MRI scan was performed 4 months after surgery and showed recurrence/residual tumor. Medical treatment with a long-acting somatostatin analogue for six months was unsuccessful. As a result, secondary surgery was performed. Three months after reoperation, the GH level was 0.2 ng/mL{So the GH level was higher by a factor of 192 which is exceptionally high} and insulin-like growth factor 1 was 205 ng/mL. Case two involved a 14.9-year-old boy, who was referred to our department for his tall stature. His basal GH level was 9.3 ng/mL, and failure of GH suppression was reported during OGTT (nadir GH, 9.0 ng/mL). Pituitary MRI showed a 6-mm-sized pituitary adenoma. Surgery was done and histopathological examination demonstrated a pituitary adenoma with positive staining for GH. Three months after surgery, the GH level was 0.2 ng/mL{His GH was elevated by a factor of 46.5} and nadir GH during OGTT was less than 0.1 ng/mL. Pituitary MRI scans showed no residual tumor. ”

So key factors involved in Gigantism involve HGH much higher than normal and a resistance to HGH surpression.  According to this steriods forum, some experienced elevated serum HGH levels as high as 18ng/mL which is within the range of the serum levels of the two cases of gigantism.  Which means in terms of serum GH level, HGH injections may be sufficient to cause gigantism.  However, resistance of the HGH to surpression is one thing that is not conferred by the injections as the HGH injections have to be cycled.

“True gigantism is extremely rare”<-Which is why again it is not likely to be caused by elevated HGH alone.

“normal range, 0-5 ng/mL [For GH]”

In the 38.4ng/ml case for Gigantism, his IGFBP-3 was additional elevated.  IGF-1 levels were slightly above normal range.  Prolaction was within normal range.

The other boy with 9.3ng/ml case for Gigantism, had prolaction, IGFBP-3 and IGF-1 all in normal range.  But this boy was actually taller than the other case beside having about a 1/4 less HGH.

“Approximately 100 cases of children with pituitary gigantism have been reported”<-But yet gigantism was caused with levels of only about twice the maximum the normal range.

“Hyperprolactinemia is a common finding in GH excess presenting in childhood, undoubtedly related to the fact that mammosomatotrophs (GH and prolactin-secreting cells) are by far the most common type of GH secreting cells involved in childhood gigantism. However, gigantism caused by a pituitary tumor comprised of somatotropes (GH-secreting cells) show a normal prolactin level”

Why Stretching Does Work To Gain Permanent Height Increase

Usually the email to the website gets just the exact same type of messages from the same type of people. Maybe 75% of the emails we get are people asking me to upload and give them for free the E-Book PDF for the GT4I, but I have felt after dealing with too many potential legal problems that uploading that book will do more harm than good in the long term.

Yishan WongSometimes something useful actually comes along, and that happened today. An email showed me this post written on Quora by a Yishan Wong reveals that a correction of posture through stretching and maybe also yoga has let the poster increase his height by half an inch, going from 5’8″ to 5’8.5″. The person who emailed me mentioned that this Yishan Wong guy is supposed to be the CEO of reddit, but I would not know about that too much. A Quick check does reveal that this Wong guy does have a Quora account and has a similar phrase used in his profile. A Google search on this guys’s height comes up with 5′ 7.5″, which is close enough to his claims on the post about growing taller.

So in light of the new developments, it seem that even a multi-millionaire, super rich tech entrepreneur like Yishan Wong has himself noticed changes in his own height after puberty, through just the normal application of the principles of stretching and yoga.

Now, I personally don’t think there is any need for a person as rich as the CEO of Reddit to ever need to lie to others about his changes in stature. So I am going to just trust in this guy’s claims and say that somehow he increase his height by 1/2 an inch. If we go on the older claim that this guy was 5′ 7.5″ before, then his year of posture correction led to a full inch in height increase for him.

This type of change is NOT that uncommon. I remember years ago watching this televised golf tournament where the announcer noted that one of the professional golfers recently told in an television interview that he increased his height from 6′ 3″ to 6′ 4″ after spending 3 months doing stretching at a very intensive level. Why would anyone need to do that much stretching is beyond my comprehension but that professional golfer got results. Who was this golfer, or what is his name? I don’t remember, but I do remember that segment extremely well in my mind.

The point is that there are too many documented cases of people who took action to change their posture (for cosmetic or health reasons) and started doing stretching as adults and noticed height changes which never went away.

The most obvious and simple way to increase height, and not just temporary height, is to stretch, and stretch a lot. Just this last month I was at a Goodwill and found this old guide to Yoga book and it was showing Indian Hindu yogis who were like 80 years old and had amazing flexibility doing postures that teenage ballerinas can’t even do. In my opinion, stretching should be the first place we should start in our endeavors. and Join a yoga class.