Monthly Archives: March 2013

Pictures For Antoine’s Body Remodeling Center Finally Available And An Analysis

Just a few days ago a person from Canada found the website and contacted me to tell me that he had obtained the machine, device, or product which Antoine from the Body Remodeling Center to use on himself. He goes by the name of Hamid. I have chosen not to reveal his last name. In the few emails we have exchanged back and forth, I was excited and asked whether he could take a few pictures of the device so I can take a look at it and also upload the pictures to a post I will write up. Well this post is to show what the device looks like.


From looking at threads on the forum on and the website it seems that this Body Remodeling Center who’s spokesman is someone named Antoine has been around since the middle of the 2000s.

The people from the website has completely rejected this guy’s claims and ideas completely outright without giving the device a real long good look. For them, limb lengthening surgery is the one and only way. And maybe they are right, I still have not finished my research yet. A few people on the forum have tried contacting Antoine but they are either having trouble getting to him or he has not been responding back. I am not sure. The administrators bashed this guy enough after over 10 pages of thread posts to end it with Antoine never replying anymore to their accusations. It is a shame that they can’t be more open minded.

As for, Tyler writes on his blog post about it guessing that is a sort of bone vibrator. The actual effect is that the device causes a spiral force on the bone and cause some type of stretching force.

As he states in the post “Body Remodeling Review“…

“Antoine’s traction device may cause spiral forces on the bone and may place a stretching force on the cortical bone in that manner.  Sky mentions that Antoine uses a 10 lbs traction device, which although Sky may have mentioned might have been insufficient for longitudinal stretching with severe spiral forces may be sufficient.  Although it’s hard to tell without actually seeing the device in action.”

The post is short but Tyler did not like the fact that Antoine is not being more transparent in revealing more about the machine and whether it acts similarly to an ultrasonic device. It would seem however that the old website for the website BodyRemodeling.Org was taken down, maybe for financial reasons.

My Interpretation

I think when a guy comes on the boards and want to talk to the members and sell his product he probably has at least some credibility in what he says, even if they are a scammer. I wanted to see what it it that he had.

For, example, in a recent few posts I had shown that the Japanese Non-Invasive Height Increasing Machine the Ginza Kojima device was real and was credible. I had shown in the post “The Actual Patent For The Ginza Kojima Non-Invasive Limb Lengthening Height Increase Device Found, With Pictures!” that the device was real, and in the next post “A Technical Review Of The Non-Invasive Limb Lengthening Ginza Kojima Device Patent (Big Breakthrough!)I had meticulously dissected the patent and read every part of it.

My conclusion was that the device had a maybe a 65-70% chance of actually increasing an adult person’s height by at least 1 cm. It used certain physics principles which were valid, the most unique one was the fact that the subject was spun around on a elevated table which resulted in centripetal force being created thus causing the ends of their body to slowly pull away, ie. elongate. However the height increase achieved is most likely temporary since the person’s body is only being “remodeled”. There is indeed a section of the Ginza Kojima website which suggest that the method is not really non-invasive but does require surgery. They say it explicitly on the main website.

As for the Body Remodeling Center, I had only briefly looked at the center and the claims made by Antoine in old posts like “Grow Taller Using Body Remodeling Centers, Or Not” and “Review Of Antoine El Hajj And Bone Remodeling Clinic 2008-2009, From EasyHeight.Com And MakeMeTaller.Com“. If you go back through those old posts you can see that back then what I did most of the time as just copy and paste other people’s information and not really give my personal interpretation or analysis on the devices or ideas. I was still at the beginning stages of learning the stuff.


So is this machine/device that was promoted years ago feasible? Many people have noted that antoine never used the device on himself and he was listed at 5′ 7″ and 32 years old around the 2007 time. It is logically strange that this man would sell this product but would never try it on himself. So again there is two main parts,

This will be my last post about this device and proposed method and I will move on to research on other things.

I had said before that was two main parts….

  1. Bone vibrating machine – pictured in the middle
  2. Traction devices – what we see in the 1st and last picture.

The dial on the machine in the middle picture with the handle suggest that it is a sort of machine that emits ultrasound like what you find with nurses who use the thing on pregnant women’s stomach to see the fetus. However after checking on google on what ultrasound machines usually look like I am not really sure what that device really is in the middle.

The straps are then the traction devices. They look similar to the one picture I had in the 2nd post. Four white thick cylinders hang on the plastic straps. Each of the cylinders probably has a 10 lb (or 5 lb) weight inside so each of the four parts has a load of either 20 or 40 lbs. You can see that two of the straps is wider than the other 2 so this means that 2 of the “traction devices” are supposed to go on the thigh/upper leg part and the smaller, less wide straps go on the shin/lower leg area. The instructions from the old Body Remodeling Center’s website suggested that you needed to sleep with the 4 straps on the leg.

I guess the idea was then to let gravity to cause the extra weight of the leg to stretch the leg bones out, if they ever do. The sleeping is for extra time. The idea was that the weights when pulled down would stretch the legs out. Reasonable for common sense but for a serious height increase researcher we realize that is not reasonable.

The claim by Antoine was 4-6 cms of increase and that he offer private therapy on using the devices for $10,000-15,000. Sky had promoted this guy and it resulted in him getting more customers. From Sky’s opinion, he has concluded that Antoine’s credibility was lacking and the theoretical parts behind the technique was off.

The machine would make sense if Antoine thought that the device could emit ultrasound or some type of high intensity vibrational shockwaves. If the waves are strong enough, you can maybe demineralize the bones, remove the hard inorganic material, the calcium derived hydroxyapatite, and possibly make the hard long bones weaker in tensile load strength to make the bones weaker to pull and elongate.

So the two part proposed technique was.

  1. You use the machine to weaken the bone. This is similar to my proposed idea on finding the resonance frequency of the bone and induce microfractures.
  2. You then put on a strap that holds the top part while getting the weights attached to pull down the bone. You sleep on it so the effect is extended for many hours.

From my research I had learned that the long bones due to their hollow design make them really hard, as much as stainless steel. Adding a small 40 lbs of extra weight to each section of a leg will not be enough to cause the amount of tensile distraction needed to ever pull the leg bones longer. The idea on adding the machine is reasonable for a person who is not very involved in the science but I have never found evidence of any ultrasonic or wave inducing machine which can indeed de-mineralize or make the bones weaker.

So the pictures are below, provided by Hamid from Canada…




The Story About Kevin Costner’s Height In High School Is Valid, Could More Stories About Rapid Dramatic Growth Spurts Be True?

I have heard a lot about the story (or maybe even legend) about the fact that the actor Kevin Costner was very short when he was in High School but would eventually shoot up in height during those high school years.

I was watching the Youtube video entitled “Inside The Actor’s Studio – Kevin Costner” and James Lipton in his interview of Kevin Costner around the 4:33 minute mark asks Costner point blank “How tall were you when you went into high school?” and Costner would answer with “I was 5′ 2”. He would recount the story of him going to his mother and asking her “Am I going to grow?” and she would reply with “I swear you are going to grow honey” that he would indeed grow taller so he felt better.

Lipton would go on to ask Costner about which college/university he went to and Costner would reply with “Cal State Fullerton” where the tuition was just $99 and majored in Marketing & Finance. I guess the college fees back then was much cheaper.

So how tall is Kevin Costner today? From the well known website profile for Kevin Costner they list him at 6′ 1″ (1.85 m) with other people saying he might be closer to 6′ 0″.

Whatever he is listed at now we can see that to go from 5′ 2″ to over 6 feet is a major transformation.

Let’s see the growth progression and see whether it was abnormal. Most people in the US start High School around 14-15. Most boys end puberty around 19-20. So Costner had on average 5 years for growth left. If he did reach 6′ 1″ then he got 11 inches, which is very big. Only the story of Dennis Rodman’s transformation would be more dramatic.

I have found from my research that there is usually 1 year in a person’s life, around the first year of the onset of puberty where a person would gain 4-5 inches in just say 3-4 months, usually during one’s sleep in the summer time.

A 10-11 inch transformation is around 2-3 times greater than average. If the growth was linear and constant, that would be around 2 inches of increase a year, which is at the rate which can only be seen in children before puberty.

So what could be the biological mechanism to cause Costner to gain such a big growth spurt?

I would guess that what happened to his body was that it was experiencing a phenomena known as catch-up growth, where the growth plates sensecense was slowed down for some reason for a longer time than most people. If the senesence slows down, that also slows down the rate of long bone longitudinal growth in the years before the onset of puberty. However this also means that the chondrocytes in the reserve zone of the growth plates are not used up. Something causes the trigger to get the chondrocytes to finally start to stack and hypertrophize at the rate they were supposed to. He still have cartilage and chondrocytes left and in a shorter time frame his body pushed him to the level ie height which he was always supposed to reach. In my best guess, Coster was always supposed to reach 6′ 1″ in height, it was just that his chondrocytes maybe never got the right amount of stimulation to start the proliferation and hypertrophy stages. Eventually the resting zone would run out of chondrocytes and the creeping of the vascularization would cause the lower to reach the top with the process of calcification. So my educated guess is that Costner’s body was experiencing the phenomena of catch-up growth. This might also explain some of the growth we see in other people, but most males which have a freakish rate of growth later in their development years.

The lingering question we should be asking ourselves are, “Could More Stories About Rapid Dramatic Growth Spurts In One’s Late Teen Years Be True?”

It Is Official, I’m Going To Try To Grow Taller Myself, March 3rd

Signpost start now on sky background.After thinking over this issue for a long time, I have decided that I will take on the challenge of actually trying to increase my height. I sort of realized that it makes no sense for me to do all the research but not try to apply the knowledge I have learned towards changing my body.

The way I see it is that I can just do all the reading and theorizing, or try to do some exercising, stretching, and possibly use PEMF or mechanical loading technology to see what happens.

At this point, I have no insane expectations. I would expect that I would regain maybe 1-2 cms of lost height (and lost health) that has happened from living a relatively sedentary lifestyle in the last 2 years from focusing so much on my businesses and relationships. Beyond that I am NOT going to be trying to kill myself to add another centimeter.

Whatever gains in terms of health or height I do get I will be happy and grateful for. 

Currently I am around 200 lbs (maybe 210 lbs or more) and I have told my gf that I would loss some weight along with her to get a stronger, more fit body and live a more active, healthier life. I guess it probably wouldn’t hurt to see if the exercising will help increase my height too. So this message is to give myself the external accountability.

So I am going to try to achieve multiple goals from starting a realistic exercise program.

  • Loose weight
  • Gain muscle mass
  • Increase fitness
  • Increase height 

Note: I would like to cite this paper Does External Accountability Affect Student Outcomes? A Cross-State Analysisfrom Stanford to show that by putting some form of external accountability into place, I am more likely to follow through on my promises and claims. I will also be more consistent and persistence in my effort for some type of success.

I am currently almost 28.5 years old male and I haven’t grown any taller in maybe 8-9 years. It is very clear, without the need for an X-ray from any endocrinologist or orthopaedic physician that my growth plates have been gone for a long time.

Current height (a reasonable guess from past measurements made years ago):

  • 182.8 cms in the morning right after waking up.
  • 181.0 cms at night right before going to sleep

Issue: I have no good mirror that can go over my head to see myself to know whether I am getting any real progress. I will need to buy a really big mirror for that.

Current Date: March 2rd, 2013

My plan:

I guess I’ll start the first 3-4 months with the usual stuff like…

  • Stretching
  • Yoga
  • Back Bridging
  • Look into meeting a chiropractor to see if my spine/vertebrate needs to be readjusted.
  • Geting Massages
  • I will also start performing the Lateral Synovial Joint Loading Method along with my proposed Chisel & Hammer Correction.
  • Looking into seeing whether I can get ESW, Ultrasonic, or PEMF device.

For supplements I am not sure what I will want to take. I guess I will start with these supplements first since I am promoting them….

  • Hyaluronic Acid – not sure at this time
  • Glucosamine Sulfate – 1000 mg daily
  • Astragalus – not sure at this time
  • Melatonin – 3 mg daily (this will also help me since I have some sleeping difficulty)

All the measurements and links I will put on the sidebar, so you can easily see any height changes of the progression. The first one will be entitled “March 3, 2013:

I will be doing the exercises and techniques as consistently as I possibly can. I will at the end of every month write a small post detailing any height changes that I notice. This means that on April 1st, May 1st ,June 1st, etc. or the start of each month I will have something up. I will not put a fake of joke post up on April 1st, even though it is April Fool’s Day.

These posts will be sort of my way of replacing the old Natural Height Growth Website Monthly Traffic Reports I used to write about, written from August to January. After thinking it over, the traffic report posts are going to end and be replaced by height progression reports. That is what most people would be interested in anyway.

Oath I Am Taking:

Since I have personally decided to join in and putting my own body back into the endeavor, I felt that I need to swear on a oath to promise to always tell the readers, the listener to the podcast, and the visitors to the website the absolute truth of my height gains or losses. I will never try to exaggerate the truth of any measurements I have done.

I would like to state out loud the Hippocratic Oath that newly minted physicians are supposed to say. I know, I am not a physician or medical professional but there are few oaths that I can reference from which have a strong historical relevance to what we are doing. From the website of the National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health, I will copy and paste the entire Hippocratic Oath and always swear to act morally and honestly about my progress in this journey.

Hippocratic Oath

I swear by Apollo the physician, and Asclepius, and Hygieia and Panacea and all the gods and goddesses as my witnesses, that, according to my ability and judgement, I will keep this Oath and this contract:

To hold him who taught me this art equally dear to me as my parents, to be a partner in life with him, and to fulfill his needs when required; to look upon his offspring as equals to my own siblings, and to teach them this art, if they shall wish to learn it, without fee or contract; and that by the set rules, lectures, and every other mode of instruction, I will impart a knowledge of the art to my own sons, and those of my teachers, and to students bound by this contract and having sworn this Oath to the law of medicine, but to no others.

I will use those dietary regimens which will benefit my patients according to my greatest ability and judgement, and I will do no harm or injustice to them.

I will not give a lethal drug to anyone if I am asked, nor will I advise such a plan; and similarly I will not give a woman a pessary to cause an abortion.

In purity and according to divine law will I carry out my life and my art.

I will not use the knife, even upon those suffering from stones, but I will leave this to those who are trained in this craft.

Into whatever homes I go, I will enter them for the benefit of the sick, avoiding any voluntary act of impropriety or corruption, including the seduction of women or men, whether they are free men or slaves.

Whatever I see or hear in the lives of my patients, whether in connection with my professional practice or not, which ought not to be spoken of outside, I will keep secret, as considering all such things to be private.

So long as I maintain this Oath faithfully and without corruption, may it be granted to me to partake of life fully and the practice of my art, gaining the respect of all men for all time. However, should I transgress this Oath and violate it, may the opposite be my fate.

Translated by Michael North, National Library of Medicine, 2002.

Irregular Series Of Periodic Mini Growth Spurts Suggests Non-Linearity Of Human Growth From Short Term Growth Measurements Using Knemometry

This post is where I look into the growth of human height in smaller time intervals. We will go deeper into the progression of height increase during shorter time scales like during a 3 months cycle. I am hoping to see whether there are certain times when growth is fastest and when we figure out what these specific time intervals are, we can try to maximize and increase those time intervals for higher final height.

Study #1: Micro and macro perspectives in auxology: findings and considerations upon the variability of short term and individual growth and the stability of population derived parameters.


The present paper links the two most contrasting aspects of auxology, and addresses the apparent discrepancy between the variability and pulsatility of short term individual growth, and the stability of population derived parameters. When body stature is measured at monthly intervals, an irregular incremental pattern becomes obvious, with a number of large scale components such as series of prepubertal and pubertal growth spurts, seasonal influences on height gain, and influences of the psychosocial and economic background. When measurement intervals decrease, the patterns of stature increment appear even more irregular, and a number of short scale components become apparent, that are distinct from measurement error. Observations are presented that suggest growth being a pulsatile, a periodic, a saltatory, respectively a chaotic event as suggested by some recent studies in animals and in human newborns. Accurate measurements of the lower leg at intervals of 24 hours support the idea of short term growth being characterized by chaotic series of ‘mini growth spurts’ that occur at intervals of approximately 4-9 days. The amplitude of mini growth spurts ranges between 2 and some 10 mm, and also growth velocity of each spurt varies considerably so that one spurt needs between less than one and up to several days for completion. The very opposite of the variability of individual growth was found in populations. A meta-analysis of 40 male and 51 female European and US American growth studies revealed an almost uniform general pattern of average stature increment during the last 100 years. An additional analysis of stature variation of very large Japanese and Czechoslovakian growth surveys, with all together more than 23000000 measurements, and more than 500000 German preschool and school measurements, suggested similar uniformity in the standard deviation of stature.

Study #2: The analysis of short-term growth.


The analysis of short-term growth needs repetitive measurements of body stature or of segments of the body. When body stature is measured at monthly intervals, an irregular incremental pattern becomes obvious with a number of large-scale components such as series of prepubertal and pubertal growth spurts, seasonal influences on height gain, and influences of the psychosocial and economic background. When measurement intervals decrease, incremental patterns appear even more irregular, and a number of short-scale components become apparent that are distinct from measurement error. The review summarizes the analysis of short-term growth, and presents the current findings supporting different views on how growth progresses at short term. In particular, observations are presented that suggest growth being a pulsatile, a periodic, a saltatory, and a chaotic event. Some recent animal studies and studies in human newborns are added in detail as they illustrate short-term growth on the basis of accurate 24-hour measurements of the lower leg. The latter investigations support the idea of short-term growth being characterized by chaotic series of’mini growth spurts’ that occur at intervals of approximately 4-5 days, not only in human neonates, but also in rats. The amplitude of mini growth spurts ranges between 2 and some 10 mm, and growth velocity of each spurt also varies considerably so that one spurt needs between less than 1 and up to several days for completion.

Study #3: Periodical changes of short term growth velocity (‘mini growth spurts’) in human growth.


Evidence has accumulated that predictions of annual or half-annual growth rates are of limited validity when derived from extrapolations of short term growth rates. In order to investigate whether the poor predictive qualities of short sections of individual growth curves are caused by non-linearity of human growth, we have studied 73 healthy children, aged 2.9 to 15.9 years, with standard deviation scores for body height ranging between -3.3 and +3.0. The children were measured between 18 and 106 times once or twice per week throughout periods of 180 to 306 days by knemometry, a novel and noninvasive technique of accurate lower leg length measurement. Non-linearity of growth was found in about 70% of those children who could be measured more than 35 times. 45 children provided evidence for a characteristic up-and-down pattern of lower leg growth velocity consisting of sharp growth spurts (‘mini growth spurts’) alternating with periods of decreased growth velocity every 30 to 55 days. This pattern seemed to appear spontaneously, though in some cases we found a marked coincidence between periods of growth arrest and intermittent infectious illness.

Study #4: Knemometry, a new tool for the investigation of growth. A review.


Cross-sectional and longitudinal studies of human growth have revealed almost every detail of the typical human growth pattern. Yet, the description of this pattern is still limited to the traditional vocabulary of “growth rates”, i.e. height or length differences divided by certain time intervals such as months or years. Almost no information is yet available on finer details of this pattern. This review concerns the existing experimental and clinical data collected by a novel and non-invasive technique of accurate lower leg length measurement named “knemometry” that has been used for the study of short-term growth. This technique estimates the distance between heel and knee of the sitting child with an accuracy (technical error) of 0.09-0.16 mm. Several authors have presented evidence that lower leg growth is non-linear. There is not only a marked day-to-day variation of the lower leg length which far exceeds the error of the measurement itself, but there is also a characteristic up-and-down pattern of lower leg growth consisting of sharp growth spurts (“mini-growth-spurts”) alternating with periods of decreased growth velocity every 30-55 days in 45 out of 73 healthy children. This pattern can be visualized by the calculation of “mean daily lower leg growth velocities”, an approach that gives information on the kinetic properties of the growth process. In spite of much initial criticism, knemometry has opened a fascinating new dimension of the physiology of human growth and provided finer details of growth than hitherto obtainable by conventional techniques of growth measurement.

Analysis & Interpretation:

The first study starts off by noting that when researchers actually tried to measure the growth rate in terms of height difference for intervals of short time duration, like around each month, the growth chart is irregular. There seem to be sections of time where growth is large, and others where there is no growth at all. When the time interval is shorten further down to maybe each week, the growth increments become even more irregular. As the researchers suggest, growth is like …being a pulsatile, a periodic, a saltatory, respectively a chaotic event as suggested by some recent studies in animals and in human newborn.” It seems that there are these “mini-growth spurts” which occur in 4-9 days intervals. The incremental nature is chaotic and range from 2-10 mm in longitudinal growth. The velocity of growth also is extremely varied from the range of less than 1 day to several days to get reach the amount of bone length difference.

When a meta-analysis is done of large groups of subjects, it appears that even though for the short term growth, everything is irregular, the overall growth progression is actually uniform.

It seems that study #2 just repeats the abstract and results of the 1st study. It is again noted that the mini-growth spurts are actually around 4-5 days long and the rate or velocity of growth can be very varied as well. The way the measurement of growth velocity is done is by measuring the lower leg bone. What is interesting to note about the 2nd study is that the growth irregularity found in humans are exhibited by lab rats as well. Maybe this means that the growth pattern for short terms is the same for most animals.

The 3rd study places more evidence towards the idea that whatever one might measure in terms of growth rate for the short term can not really be used to calculate the growth rate for the long term. The researchers were trying to…”…to investigate whether the poor predictive qualities of short sections of individual growth curves are caused by non-linearity of human growth,…” 73 healthy children had their lower leg measured using the technique known as knemometry in a varied time frame (180-360 days) and at varied frequencies (18-100 times a day). In the children measured more than 35 times, around 70% of them showed nonlinear growth increments. Around 45 of the children showed an up and down pattern of high growth velocity aka mini-growth spurt followed by around 30-55 days of no or minimal increase. What is interesting to note is that the researchers observed that a lot of the decreased growth time intervals coincided with infectious illness times.

The 4th study was a review of the data found from clinical using something known as Knemometry. It is a novel and non-invasive technique of accurate lower leg length measurement that has been used for the study of short-term growth. This technique estimates the distance between heel and knee of the sitting child with an accuracy (technical error) of 0.09-0.16 mm. The researchers note of the same study that…

“There is not only a marked day-to-day variation of the lower leg length which far exceeds the error of the measurement itself, but there is also a characteristic up-and-down pattern of lower leg growth consisting of sharp growth spurts (“mini-growth-spurts”) alternating with periods of decreased growth velocity”

The last study I have put in the post just shows that the technique of measuring the lower leg bone called knemometry is now being looked at in the field of auxology has been very effect in showing that human growth in short time periods is very irregular

Breastfeeding Babies Has Given Clear Proof That All Children Have The Same Potential For Growth Regardless Of Genetic Or Ethnicity (Important)

I had talked about the idea of extending the time range for breastfeeding for optimal child nutrition in the post “What If Breastfeeding Human Milk Is Extended Or Synthesized To Increase Height?“. I had theorized back then that it might be smarter for babies to end up bigger to increase the time for breastfeeding We already know that for the young baby with mostly multipotent stem cells the best type of nutrition is from the mother’s milk. However there seems to be people who are disagreeing over the natural breastfeeding vs. synthetic formula. This post will extend the idea of breastfeeding vs. formula to show that there are possible even more benefits.

Breastfeeding as been shown to be superior towards babies getting taller, but not fatter, and that means that the breastfeed child will probably have less change of development health problems later in life due to being overweight.

I think this study has shown with convincing evidence that there may not be any ethnicity or even groups of people who have any type of genetic propensity towards high stature.

Sure there will always be small pockets of people or certain families which have genes which make them taller than the rest of a ethnic group or “tribe” but this study suggest that through at least the act of the normal breastfeeding instead of giving our babies formula, we can standardized the growth progression (height increase) charts for all of the countries in the world.

From the website, the article states…

“The problem is that many doctors are not familiar with the normal weight gain patterns of breastfed babies, and rely too much upon older growth charts that are based upon the growth of artificially fed babies. In 2006, the World Health Organization released revised growth charts that are representative of healthy breastfed babies throughout the world. Until doctors are familiar with them,…”

This shows that the data from the old medical & health organizations were using information from synthetically fed babies. The charts are off because babies fed with formula grow in weight much faster.

The writer makes an excellent point with….

“Healthy breastfed infants tend to grow more rapidly than their formula-fed peers in the first 2-3 months of life and less rapidly from 3 to 12 months. All growth charts available before 2006 (which are still used by many health care providers in the US) included data from infants who were not exclusively breastfed for the first 6 months (includes formula-fed infants and those starting solids before the recommended 6 months). Because many doctors are not aware of this difference in growth, they see the baby dropping in percentiles on the growth chart and often come to the faulty conclusion that the baby is not growing adequately. At this point they often recommend that the mother (unnecessarily) supplement with formula or solids, and sometimes recommend that they stop breastfeeding altogether.”

Later in the article the writers notes that the old charts that are used was from studies done from 1929-1975 of babies from ages 0-2 whose mother started feeding them solid foods by age 4 months or earlier and the data was for mothers who fed their babies milk and formula as a combination. The revised growth charts was for mothers who fed their babies solid food after 6 months as now recommended and predominantly feeds the baby breast milk.

From the website

Some first asks the question “Is it true that breastfed babies grow more slowly than formula-fed babies?”

Babies who are breastfed for the first year of life seem to grow more rapidly in the first three or four months and then more slowly for the rest of the year. At age 1, breastfed babies weigh less, on average, than formula-fed babies.

Experts aren’t sure why this is so, but they do know that it’s absolutely normal and nothing to be concerned about. In fact, some research suggests that babies who grow too quickly may have higher cholesterol levels, higher blood pressure, and increased risk of obesity and diabetes later in life.

In 2006, the World Health Organization (WHO) published a brand-new set of growth charts based on 8,500 babies who were breastfed. The mothers participating in the study planned to breastfeed exclusively or predominately for the first four to six months and to continue breastfeeding for at least 12 months.

Before 2006, the growth charts that tracked babies’ length and weight gain – created by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 1977 and updated in 2000 – were based on babies who were fed formula or a combination of formula and breast milk.

Implications For Height Increase

The growth of a human individual is the most critical in their earliest years. I had shown from other posts that during the first year of life, a child can grow as much as 12 inches longer. After that, around the age 2-4 they average around 4-5 inches a year. Since the goal of our website is to try to optimize the growth pattern to reach the highest final height possible, it is important to consider whether it might be smarter to go with breastfeeding the baby exclusively for upwards of even 1 year so that the baby can keep their metabolism lower to not overstimulate the growth system. The studies do show that the breastfed baby in comparing length/height with the baby fed with formula was about the same. The formula fed baby was bigger only in terms of weight.

What we know from our research is that growth is overstimulated too early in life, that causes earlier puberty resulting in earlier growth plate closure and decreased final height. Since the benefits of breast feed babies are that they weigh less while still keeping the same rate of height growth, I strongly suggest that the baby should move towards breastmilk diet much longer than most physicians would recommend. 4 years of medical school learning with a couple of years of residency at pediatric hospital clinics is not enough to overide the natural tendencies of the billions of years of evolution which is dictated by Mother Nature’s wisdom.

[New growth references of the World Health Organization based on breast fed infants].

[Article in Spanish]
  • An Pediatr (Barc). 2007 Feb;66(2):177-83.
  • Lozano de la Torre MJ.
  • PMID:17306105 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]

Coordinadora del Comité de Lactancia Materna de la Asociación Española de Pediatría, Departamento de Ciencias Médicas y Quirúrgicas (Area de Pediatría), Universidad de Cantabria, Santander, España.


The World Health Organization Multicenter Growth Reference Study is a multinational project to develop new growth references for infants and young children. The design combines a longitudinal study from birth to 24 months with a cross-sectional study of children aged 18 to 71 months. The pooled sample from the six participating countries (Brazil, Ghana, India, Norway, Oman, and the United States) consists of 8440 children. The new WHO Child Growth Standards confirm that all children worldwide, given an optimum start in life, have the same potential for growth and prove that differences in children’s growth to the age of 5 years are more influenced by nutrition, feeding practices, environment, and healthcare than by genetics or ethnicity. The new standards are based on the breast fed child as the norm for growth and development. For the first time, this ensures coherence among the tools used to assess growth and national and international infant feeding guidelines, which recommend breast feeding as the optimal source of nutrition during infancy.

Analysis & Interpretation

The statement we should be taking away from this abstract is ” The new WHO Child Growth Standards confirm that all children worldwide, given an optimum start in life, have the same potential for growth and prove that differences in children’s growth to the age of 5 years are more influenced by nutrition, feeding practices, environment, and healthcare than by genetics or ethnicity.”

The growth patterns and charts are from tabulated data of babies who are fed breastmilk. If the potential for growth is the same, we could ask why is it that some ethnicities seem to end up smaller and shorter than others. Why is it that Vietnamese females are so much shorter than Dutch females, often by upwards of 12 inches or more?

The chart shows that their growth patterns ar the same, so that in terms of the changes in growth rates over each year, the same shape of the growth curve line is the same. What is most likely the case is that the mother of the babies were smaller/shorter and their uterus/wombs were smaller so a smaller baby with less overall cell numbers could be inside the womb prenatally. The postnatal patterns are the same. It is just that the baby at birth is just smaller than the baby born in other nations due to the limitations of the body size of the mother. If a baby is born from an ethnicity which is supposed to be idiopathically small but comes out healthy with the same length and weight from a mother with a large womb and tall height, and they are fed breast-milk for an extended time, the growth pattern shows that they are likely to end up the same final height as their supposed counterparts in other nations. What I would argue then is that the real limiting factor is the size theperson comes out when they are first born.

However, the side note to always realize is that the growth patterns are an average of thousands of babies growth progression. Each individual with their immediate families genetics will deviate from the average which is of an entire nation or group of people.

Undernutrition May Cause Catch-Up Growth Leading To Premature Puberty And Stunted Growth (Important)

This study I found from PubMed seems to give a strong connection to a few ideas I’ve been thinking about for the last few months over why premature puberty is occurring which would almost always lead to shorter final adult height.

Is early puberty triggered by catch-up growth following undernutrition?

  • Proos L, Gustafsson J.
  • Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2012 May;9(5):1791-809. doi: 10.3390/ijerph9051791. Epub 2012 May 9.
  • Source: Department of Women’s and Children’s Health, Uppsala University, SE-751 85 Uppsala, Sweden.
  • PMID: 22754473 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]
    PMCID: PMC3386588


Undernutrition during fetal and postnatal life is still a major problem in many low- and middle-income countries. Even in high-income countries malnutrition may exist in cases of intrauterine growth retardation, as well as in chronic conditions such as anorexia nervosa and inflammatory bowel disease. Children adopted from developing countries are often chronically malnourished. Nutritional rehabilitation, resulting in catch-up growth, is often complicated by influences originating in fetal life as well as during postnatal growth. This may result in hormonal and metabolic changes as well as alterations in pubertal development. The present review focuses on fetal, postnatal and fetal-postnatal undernutrition and subsequent catch-up growth as well as catch-up growth in relation to pubertal development. Catch-up growth in children can be associated with early puberty following fetal or combined fetal-postnatal undernutrition. However, early puberty does not seem to occur following catch-up growth after isolated postnatal undernutrition. Gonadotropins have been reported to be elevated in prepubertal adopted girls as well as during catch-up growth in animals. Even if other factors may contribute, linear catch-up growth seems to be associated with the timing of pubertal development. The mechanisms behind this are still unknown. Future research may elucidate how to carry out nutritional rehabilitation without risk for early pubertal development.

Analysis & Interpretation

The main conclusion made by the author of the article is that linear catch-up growth seems to be associated with the timing of pubertal development.  One of the main ideas we as height increase researchers have always believed is that the onset of puberty means that the end of growth has been initiated. I personally believe from the research is that if puberty is never initiated in terms of excess estrogen being released into the system, the rate at which chondrocytes in the resting zone of the growth plate are being used up will not be great enough to completely result in all the chondrocytes being used up but that their will be some chondrogenic process going on in the epiphysis causing the progenitor mesenchyme to differentiate into newly formed chondrocytes thus replenishing the numer of chondrocytes in the resting zone.

There is no doubt that malnutrition which will lead to stunted growth rates and decreased final height is a big problem is mostly developing and even some developed nations, due to poor eating habits where children who are still growing go for the food with very little nutrients. It seems that not only malnutrition, anorexia nervosa and inflammatory bowel disease also leads to stunted growth. As for the developing nations, it seems that when children is taken out of these nutrition deprived places and placed in nations where the nutrition is high, their bodies go into the process of  “catch-up growth” which is the bodies of way of accelerating the longitudinal growth oto sort of “catch-up” to watch its supposed growth would supposed to be if the individual was born in a nation where the nutrition was at the appropriate higher levels.

The researcher does note this point though….

“However, early puberty does not seem to occur following catch-up growth after isolated postnatal undernutrition”

I am not sure what this phrase means exactly. Does this mean that if a children is taken from a country of undernutrition where they were isolated from other people, the catchup growth they get after being transplanted to a nation with better nutrition, they would not develop early puberty?

I understand the main point the researcher is trying to make but I do hope that they can explain this phrase though.

Implications For Height Increase

This shows that in general, there might be a way to help children with stunted growth which parents might try to adopt from poorer nation. However, the catch-up growth seen in the child may just be another indicator that they will ultimately end up with a decreased final height since the elevated hormones associated with the dramatic change in in the amount of nutrition the child is getting from a change in countries results in the earlier initiation of puberty. For the parents who want to make sure their adopted child gets to grow to be the tallest that they can, it might be a better idea to not increase the nutrition rate so dramatically to push back the onset of puberty to give the child’s body more time to grow taller.