Monthly Archives: March 2013

A Thesis Showing That Discrimination Due To Short Stature Heightism Is The Last Real Form Of Discrimination Left

Somehow I came across this website today while I was perusing through another website that was not related at all to height but on that website’s forum there was a thread which caught my eye where people were talking about the issue of height and how some people will discriminate against people who are short in stature.

Because of my intentions and this website I would say that I do not support heightism in any way. I actually am extremely against the issue of heightism. To me, heightism may be one of the greatest social evils that stills occurs today.

My arguement: That almost no other form of discrimination is still as publicly allowed as the discrimination on height, short stature.

1. It used to be about race, and racism was the big topic. However race discrimination is no longer accepted and not politically correct.

Now in the 21st century, being 2013 I feel that most people have been able to move beyond race, look past the skin color, and more or less at least be able to tolerant the different types of races. Racism still exist but it is definitely no longer so in-your-face or blatant as say many decades ago. Maybe a white female might be uncomfortable getting in an elevator alone with a black guy even if they are say coworkers in a white collar, fortune 500 company but it is extremely unlikely she will ever dare to express her personal bias opinions out loud without the fear and possible social ostracizing of the current political correctness way of viewing race in these days. With the increase of how the world is becoming more connected and becoming even closer, I would say that the issue of “race” is less of a concern, at least in public. One can still hate another group of ethnicity due to their skin color alone in the privacy of their own homes and write troll-like and hateful speech under fake and anonymous profiles thinking they have complete privacy and security (when they are not since Google does track a lot of what a person does online and if they had to would cooperate with the US government agencies and enforcement agencies if they wanted to find someone). However almost no one except self described supremacist group would publicly state such prejudice ideas in crowds without fear that the group of people they don’t like won’t want to defence their race and fight them. To keep the general peace these days, since the USA has become such a racially cosmopolitan and multi-colored nation, race bigotry is not longer allowed, at least in public.

How about discrimination towards people with a physical disability like a wheelchair or something similar?

This type of public discrimination is frown upon as well since it is consider very cruel and insensitive to make fun of people over something that they were born with and have no control with. For the last few decades, with consistent effort in lobbying by special interest groups, most public places now have an area where people in wheelchairs can use.

Not only that people with disability have special privileges in terms of parking. The disability sign on any car means that people with disability get a few public benefits at least.

While it is not public that people would make fun of people with disabilities, it is more likely that people don’t want to associate or spend to much time with people with certain disabilities, since they might be very uncomfortable around them due to not understanding the medical condition the person is suffering from.

What is more likely to happen is that there would be a lot of sympathy and compassion by the people around to genuinely want to help the person who might suffering from a very debilitation condition.

The best example might by the Astrophysicist Stephen Hawkings, the former Lucasian Chair at Cambridge, whom so many people consider the smartest person on earth and who has become the inspiration and role model for so many aspiring physicists. HIs disability has been one of the most severe suffering for over 5 decades with Lou Gehrigs Disease (spelling?). However his life has been turned around to show it in an inspirational light and showcase the indominable human spirit.

So people with disabilities these days are not ridiculed. either people try to avoid them out of ignorance, become curious at learning more, or try to help out the person in need.

How about the discrimination over mental health like a learning problem?

With all the talk these days about how 20% of all child have some type of Autism, the portrayal of people on popular television shows with Asperger’s Syndrome, and so many famous and successful people coming out and admitting that they suffer from the learning disability known as dyslexia, it seems that public support for people with mental health issue are reaching an all time high.

Uptight strong willed, perfectionist people would openly admit that they seem to have Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder or at least some of its symptoms. People who have just seasonable depression will flaunt the fact that they have Bipolar Disorder. Women who go through pregnancy might claim to have suffered from Post- Traumatic Stress Disorder. There are now multiple support groups for all of these people.

If a person did make fun of someone who might have a learning disability or suffering a serious psychopathology, and they were found out, they would be severely socially isolated and be shamed about their insensitivity.

What about the discrimination of gays and homosexuals?

In the last few years there has been so much talk about gay marriages and equal rights. Our current president Obama supports gay marriage and has been trying to make it legal in all of the states. Many more famous celebrities and people on television have come out of the closet with almost all of their friends and family members fully supporting their lifestyle choices.

Attractive females now all claim that they have gay male best friends who they love going shopping with. Even heterosexual men these days at least in the US are becoming more comfortable around the gay and have them as close friends.

Can we still make fun of and mock people of certain religions?

Ever since 9/11 the world has become much more careful of at least joking about or making fun of Islam and people who are Muslim due to fear that it could cause riots, public protests, and more terrorist attacks. The term “Islamophobia” has become last decade’s focus on why discriminating against religion is still not a good idea. These days if a person mocked the society of Scientology, they might get civil suits thrown at them.

Sure, some people do make fun of Christianity like the creators of South Park and Family Guy but most people these days feel that the faith of Christianity is rather benign unlike the more violent prone Islamic faith. Comedians might use the horrible priests & young boys abuse scandal in their joke routines and that is something which I feel is being resolved these days. The new popes have been expressing that this problem with the modern Christianity is something that needs to be dhelt with.

Is there still open, blatant, public discrimination against women?

In some ways, it seems that women have become the more social affluent, stronger gender in recent years. More women are graduating universities and graduate schools than men. The jobs women have had got hit less hard than the jobs that men had. In terms of economic power women are the new force to recognize. many decades of feminists jostling the government and society for equal opportunity and equal pay with men have pushed the women further ahead of men. Women these days account for 65% of all the initiators of divorces. 55-60% of initiations for relationship separation are being done by the female. With shows like “Sex In The City” during the 2000s years, it shows that women have finally been able to display the amount of power and privilege their mothers and grandmothers fought so hard for.

If anyone did try to discriminate against women, specifically men, say in the work place, they are likely to get a civil suit thrown at them. Any inappropriate behavior results in sexual harrassment suits. Some women have even begun to make fake rape accusations to put innocent men in jail or extort them for money.

If there is any discrimination against women these days, I have not seen it. Women Rights and Girl Power has changed the landscape on how at least the Western Nations act and any type of disrespect against the female gender is not longer allowed with severe social and financial consequences.

How about “ugly” people?

I would have to agree that this might be a still prevelant problem but we must realize that the concept of  “beauty” is very subjective, at least for women. Every culture has their own definition on what constitute beauty and what constitutes “ugly”.

I personally would cite the example of Robert Pattinson, who I find extremely unattractive as a male but somehow because he was given the leading role in the hugely popular “Twilight” movie series has gained a reputation for being attractive to legions of teenage females and adult women.

It does not take a lot to change either one’s face or change the way people see oneself. For any men, a good hair cut, clean shave, some teeth whitening, more time spent in the gym in losing weight, some tweezing, and a good suit would change the way people view them dramatically. The same can be said of the dramatic make-over done on plain jane girls which one also finds on tv these days.

The thing to know about discriminating against “ugly” people is that the concept of beauty is very subject. If one is truly dissatisfied with one’s appearance. one can improve on it with a quick trip to the plastic surgeon for a few thousand and get a completely new face That is what they do here in Seoul on a very regular basis.

Can we still discriminate against “poor” people?

Ever since the 2008-2009 major economic crash, more people than ever have been brought down from the middle class to the lower class. With so many people lossing their jobs and or not able to find another job, more anger and resentment are being developed against the “upper class” or the rich 1% od society who seemed to actuall get richer from the recession by seizing on the horrible times to exploit people for cheap labor.

If anyone these days were found to be discriminating against the “poor” people, they would be laughing at the large majority of the American population. If theire real identity was found out, they would get death threats on them since they are laughing at the mis-fortune of other people and some spiteful people would want to harm them.

So making fun of “poor” people these days is something no one is willing to do in public due to fear that there would be some type of action taken due to vengeance.

How about the obvious discrimination seen towards overweight, fat, and/or obese people?

Discriminating against overweight individuals is something that I would admit is still sort of a prevelant social problem. However, of all the type sof discrimination that is done, this is the type that is most easily solved.

There are thousands of diets, and millions of gyms and weight loss drinks sold today which help anyone who is angry at people making fun of them loss the weight even in a few months. Once they loss that weight which had been used to make fun of them earlier, they have a hug increase in confidence, feel better, healthier, and can go back to the person who discriminated against them and show off how they change their body to prove the initial harasser wrong.

So what type of discrimination is still being publicaly done today which people can still get away with and the person being discriminated can’t really do anything about it?

It seems to be towards the group of people who are suffering from “heightism”. Below average in height people these days are the last real group of individuals who are still targeted on a regular basis of discrimination and it is still socially accepted to a large degree. Most other groups of people who might have been traditionally discriminated against are not longer socially allowed or there is something that they can do to easily change their situation.

Grow Taller Using Gradual Internal Bone Lengthening With Dr. Gilles Musy Of Paris Montmartre Hospital For 6 Inches Of Height Increase

I had said in the last post that somehow I had found a blog written in Spanish by a guy named Alexei who had been writing the blog El Zar De La Estatura

Well I took some time to read the posts and see what he has to say and one post which was interesting lead me to the a blog with a post entitled “Long Legs On Demand

The article was also in Spanish so the Chrome browser translated it for me. The translated blog is below…

Long legs on request 

A new technique of bone lengthening allows growth of up to 18 centimeters and return to normal activity in three mesesTus two legs do not measure the same, despite appearances. Sure, the difference is millimeter. What is surprising is that 23% of people have at least one leg an inch longer than the other, or bone defect after a traffic accident. In most cases corrected with orthotics, but sometimes you have to resort to surgery recovery slow and painful. Until now, because in the Paris Montmartre Hospital have developed a new technique of minimally invasiba to banish the dreaded operating rooms nails. In three months, the patient returns to normal. Por activity through a tiny cut is introduced titanium implant through bone. The device produced by lengthening one electronic pulse generator prosthesis extends and increases the leg between 1 and 2 mm daily. Thus, it dispenses with the anchors used so far, which is regulated from outside and often cause many infections. With this therapy has achieved a growth of up to 18 centimeters in interventions “aesthetic”. But these transactions are surrounded by controversy. In many countries, including Spain, are not made ​​for ethical reasons.China has banned even before the avalanche of height-obsessed youth who resorted to the “height surgery without pain,” the motto of some centers. And in China’s stature has become an essential requirement sometimes finding work: 1.70 m for men and 1.65 meters for women.In:

On the comments below there was a commenter who talked about this Dr. Gilles Musy, A French Orthopedic Surgeon based off a hospital in Paris who was performing. of course this post was written in 2007, almost 6 years ago but the information is still relevant today.

I did a google search for the name of Dr. Gilles Musy and he is a real doctor and has his own website

His office/clinic is indeed based in Paris.

Dr Gilles Musy

Spécialité :
Chirurgie Orthopédique et Traumatologie

Clinique :
Clinique Milan
17 Rue de Milan
75009 Paris

Contact #: 08 99 10 28 37

Site Web :

Click on the link to the right for his YouTube video where he explains in French his gradual internal bone lengthening method – Le Docteur Gilles Musy, chirurgien orthopédique explique la technique d’Allongement Osseux Progressif (AOP) pour Grandir en Harmonie (GH)

On his website Allongement Osseux Progressif i found that his technique is maybe a slight deviation from the internal nail method which the guys at talk about.

This is taken from the English version of his website. (Anglais)

1. What is GBL ?

  • Gradual Bone Lengthening (GBL) is a  revolutionary procedure that allows bone lengthening of the thighbones. Indeed, it is an internal surgical method, externally invisible, not requiring any drugs or growth hormones.

2. Why should one undergo GBL ?

The two main reasons for bone lengthening:

  •  The difference of length due to an accident or growth anomalies
  • Small stature : Socially difficult to live with (+6-12 cm) or (3in-6in)

Information on the internal gradual bone lengthening procedure

The Principle

Sectionned bone with nail

The intervention is plausible after the end of growth (from 15-20 years old on gender):

The procedure of bone lengthening consists of lengthening the thighbones gradually before having it sectioned surgically. It is held with an internal nail located inside the bone, therefore not visible and discreet. (See picture).

The GBL takes place in several steps:

Day 1-8


Beginning of the “clicks” enabling the lengthening: leaning down and walking is possible on crutches.

Day +8
Back home or in convalescence for 15 days.
GBL for about 3 months or more.

Day +21
X-ray check up on the 21st day.

Day 21-30
At that point you should be able to work and carry on a normal life still on crutches (school, office, driving, biking, swimming and walking).
However if your duty is laborious (for example carrying loads and weights) please have an agreement with your employer to get a break for 6 to 12 months depending on the post.

Day +90
GBL should be finished by then. It is noticeable and allows the solidification of the bone for another 3 months where the crutches will no longer be necessary.
These steps take place under the surgeon supervision through out the procedure.

Information on the internal gradual bone lengthening procedure

The Technique 

Xray after surgery

Day 90-180 (3-6 months)


– The technique takes place in 2 steps.

It is more cautious and comfortable for the patient.
One side first then the other while having an insole through out the procedure. In such manner you can carry out a normal life and getting back to a professional life.

– The span of this operation can be from 6 to 9 months before being able to have a normal life for a GBL of 3 inches.

The thighbone is now solid; all sports can be played after bone solidification.

Review And Analysis:

I spent only 10 minutes looking through the website and these are the hard facts that I managed to glean away. The bone lengthening is for both cosmetic reasons to fix small stature and for medical reasons where a person might have limb length differences. He charges 20,000 euros for the medical reasons but if you want to become taller, you will have to pay 50,000 euros to increase your height by 3 inches. the website also notes that “For non French citizens, that is with no health insurance in France“. For the price of limb lengthening surgery that I have seen before, this is about average. And the cost of the surgery will come completely out of your pocket. Yikes!

So there has to be something that this limb lengthening orthopedic surgeon must be able to offer that other grow taller surgeons can not. It is clear that the internal nail through the thigh bone intermedullary cavity is indeed non-invasive and relatively simple. The website however clearly states that the doctors are ony willing to increase a patients height by 3 inches at a time, not the 17 cms as said in the original blog post , which would be 7 inches. It seems that the doctors however will be willing to go back in fo ra 2nd operation to add a 2nd 3 inch of increase to make a full 6 inches of height increase. The whole process is said to take 2-3 years which will include physical therapy to be able to walk normally again.

This is an option to increase in height. 3 inches is substantial and it seems that the whole process may only take 6 months whith 3 of the months focusing on lengthening the upper leg bone. This procedure seems to be much faster than other limb lengthening surgeries and ways I have seen before.


A New Height Increase, Grow Taller Research Website El Zar de la Estatura Brings Me To More Information About the Ginza Kojima Device

Update 3/11/2013: I sort of forgot that apparently the Google Browser Chrome will automatically try to translate any foreign language webpage to English if you set that option up. I just did that and the blog is now in English and everything makes sense. So switch from your Internet Explorer or Firefox or Safari to Chrome for the privileges for automatic foreign language translation.

So today on one of the comments left on the site someone brought to my attention a blog that was written back in 2010 – 2011 named El Zar de la Estatura.

The url is – You might want to take a look at the site/blog before it is taken down as well. It seems that for height increase research websites they have a certain shelf-life.

The first interesting thing that is obvious is that the person is using the same theme for blogger as Tyler from A Coincidence?

Maybe since blogging platforms often have popular themes and maybe the bookshelf theme for Blogger is really popular with height increase researchers.

The entire thing is in Spanish and since my Spanish does not go beyond a few hundred words even though I took 4 years of Spanish through middle school and high school, I still can’t translate the words except for a few words.

This is the message the guys writes write off the bat…

profilepicture” El Zar de la Estatura te revelará todos los secretos acerca del aumento de la estatura de tal manera que puedas tener una idea mucho mas clara acerca de este tema, saber que realmente funciona y que producto es inservible y tambien encontrarás info acerca de mi último proyecto que permitirá alargar las piernas sin necesidad de corte o cirugia incluso despues de los 18 años. Gracias por visitar mi Blog!”

If I put it through something called the Bing Translator and this is the translated stuff I got.

“The Tsar’s stature will reveal all the secrets about the increase of the height in such a way that you can get an idea much more clear on this subject, know that it really works and that product is useless and will also find info about my latest project that will lengthen the legs without cutting or surgery even after age 18.Thank you for visiting my Blog!”

So it seems that what we have is another real increase height and grow taller research blog, but the person writing stopped around 2011. There are some some posts which were informative and it is a shame he stopped working on it.

The post he wrote about which really cause my attention was the one about Ginza Kojima’s device which I had recently written about. However it seems that he managed to find another new website which had more pictures of the device, but the pictures show a much more primitive looking machine and straps.

Website url:

I have managed to clip a few pictures of the website below.


You can see that the device of the picture I clipped is basically what is revealed in the other website. This one is more like a prototype and the device is like the medieval body stretching machine Pierre Pozzuto has on his A-Grow-Bics class based in London.

I think I am confident to say now that I am going to start looking at the resources on the internet that are Non-English based since they also contain a whole lot of good information.

The Chisel And Hammer Supplement Technique Explained Through Video

So I decided to try something else today instead of just writing about the idea like so many other posts.


As for the technical details, I proposed in the video actually two places for the chisel to be hitting at. I pointed at the wrong place the first time but meant to point at the 2nd locations. The place to hit is supposed to be higher up, since the lower areas are covered in non-bone tissue. We are trying to hit the bone, not puncture the skin.

Exact Location: This idea I am proposing is supposed to be used only on the proximal section of the lower leg bone, the tibia. The fibula does not need to be hit. The exact location is on the horizontal closed circular path where the area under the knee ends. Note the picture on the right side. Where the bottom line is point at where the term “medial collateral ligaments” is the at the horizontal plane or line which you should lightly be tapping at to induced fracture. However you can only get about 180 degrees of the entire bone surface due to the non-bone tissue surrounding it on the under part of the knee.

Remember, the idea is to gently tap at the bone just strong enough to cause some small fractures and to cut past the periosteum layer, which is only maybe 10-20 cells thick.

I created a video using my iphone and the video quality seemed to have come out better this time. The problem this time seems to be the audio quality, which is low in volume. You’d need to turn up the volume higher to hear me clearly.

The video is taken from the Natural Height Growth Youtube Channel which you can subscribe to.

Osteoarthritis and Ligaments

Loading ligaments may be able to contribute to height.  Ligaments connect to bone via entheses.  Loading ligaments may be able to alter bone and in our case ideally causing formation of new growth plates.

How does bone and surrounding cartilage affect the surrounding ligaments?

High-resolution ultrasound evaluation of extrinsic wrist ligaments in patients affected by rheumatoid arthritis.

“Twenty-one consecutive patients affected by RA (12 men, 9 women; mean age 57 ± 14.6 years) were compared with 21 controls (12, 9; 54 ± 12.1, respectively). Wrists were evaluated using ultrasound on both palmar and dorsal sides along each ligament, using carpal bones as references. The following ligaments were studied: radioscaphocapitate, radiolunotriquetral, palmar ulnolunate, palmar ulnotriquetral, dorsal radiotriquetral, dorsal ulnotriquetral, and radial collateral ligament. Ligament number and thickness were noted. Echotexture was rated as fibrillar, fragmented, or heterogeneous; the surface was rated as smooth or blurred.

The number of palmar ulnolunate and palmar ulnotriquetral ligaments detected by ultrasound in patients was significantly lower than in controls. All ligaments had significantly more fragmented or heterogeneous echotexture and blurred surface and were significantly thinner in patients than in controls. No correlation was found between ligament thickness and RA duration or clinical parameters.

Extrinsic wrist ligaments were less detectable and thinner in patients affected by RA compared with healthy volunteers matched for age and sex. Ligament thinning did not directly correlate with RA duration and clinical parameters.”

“Damage in RA mainly originates from the synovium in the joints and tendon sheaths. During the course of the disease, inflamed synovial tissue may extend to bone, tendons, capsule, and ligaments”<-And possible the refuse may be true in which stimulus from the ligaments progresses into the bone.

A Scientific Theory On Why Playing Basketball May Indeed Make Young Teenagers Increase In Height And Grow Taller

This was a sort of thinking (or actually rambling) in my head that came to me after I was going through the old threads and posts on the dead which I found using the Wayback Machine. You can find the link by clicking HERE 

The thread I found was sort of arguing whether playing basketball can be the cause of greater height and that really got me thinking.

One poster wrote…

“Here’s one for the basketball players. A really good exercise that helps you grow taller is jumping! Several nerves are connected at the sole of your feet that are also connected to your thyroid and pituitary gland, which is responsible for releasing the hormones needed for your body to grow. Jumping allows for the production of electric current to flow through your body and to tell your brain “hey I wanna grow!” That’s why basketball players are very tall, they jump and reach out every day, they can’t help it but grow very very tall.”

Other posters say…

“Bababooey explained it somewhere on this forum. Basically, jumping involved in Basketball increases fluid flow in the growth plates so more IGF-1 goes into height increase.”

What is most interesting was the poster Bababooey


The jumping involved in playing basketball–as would jumping in any activity–triggers growth on the growth plate perhaps by increased blood flow to the growth plates (in the legs and spine) or some such result of the act of jumping. The act of jumping temporarily suspends the spine and legs in the air followed by a compression with the combined force of gravity and an individual’s body weight. The compression perhaps increases blood flow to the non-bone segments of your body impacted by the compression–namely, your growth plates. Increased blood flow to the growth plates may direct growth-related hormones specifically to the growth plates–where it is needed the most for height increase.

Analysis & Interpretation

These three explanations forced me to consider the possibility that maybe, just MAYBE that basketball might be one of those activities that does result in slightly more growth vertically than say another sport like soccer. A long time ago I had written a post “Grow Taller By Playing Basketball, Or Not” arguing the idea that correlation does not suggest causation. I had said that the more likely thing that happened was that your natural genes make you taller, and you went into the sport of basketball naturally because of the height.

Now I have to rethink the basic premise and wonder whether whether the reverse causation might be possible.

I first look at what might be different in body mechanical movement of basketball players than other athletes playing others sports. In soccer and rugby, there is a lot of running. In rugby and american football, there is also a lot of hitting besides running. In baseball, there is a lot of down town followed by a short burst of running.

Then there is gymnastics, swimming, tennis, cheerleading, or whatever popular sports one might find in the american high school athletic program.

So what is the main body movement that basketball players do which the other sport do a lot less of in terms of frequency?

A lot of people argued that maybe it was the act of jumping. Bababooey’s comment was most interesting because he looks at the real physics and mechanics of what is happening to the body if one starts playing basketball.

Jumping in adolescents with still open growth plates suggest that the plates may be having occasional shocks to the system. A basketball runs most of the time but sometimes in reaching for the ball for a rebound, they do jump up. The jump means a fraction of second of weightlessness and then the plates are compressed. I have found around 1-2 PubMed studies (source 1) which showed that axial compression on the leg or growth plates will indeed stunt longitudinal growth. That is a given. But that might only assume a constant, continuous load which is static. What if the compression is dynamic and also only happens occasionally.

This is what we know.

  • Jumping might lead to growth plate fractures if the player lands wrong. It is still cartilage


What I am proposing in this post is that maybe the jumping might cause the growth plates in young people who play basketball which is at the point of just about to completely ossify to fracture at the line where the bone bridge is finally starting to show. The jump fractures the bone bridge which is what leads to the cartilage turning into a line causing the bone to still have at least a natural distraction that remains.

The distraction that remains may have a little bit of epiphyseal cartilage still left but that is enough to keep the basketball player to add a little height.


Where as the soccer player is always running, and getting a steady rate of pounding/compression on the growth plate, the occasional elevated jump made by a basketball player means that a sudden extra intense compression could crush not just the cartilage, but also the bone.

Humans have always been walking and running so the growth plates and surrounding bones are supposed to be strong enough to take those activities on the leg, but the plates and bone may not be designed to take the unusual frequency of jumping.

Thee 2nd point I would say that might give the basketball jumping credibility is that fact that longitudinal growth is not linear, which I would learn about very recently. It seems that longitudinal growth comes in very short “mini-growth spurts”. We know that the growth rate of children is higher at night than during the day. We also know that the growth rate of children during the summer is higher than the other seasons. We also know that the growth rate in one 2 week interval can be very different in another 2 week interval. This means that the GH that the hypothalamus and pituitary are releasing is not in any type of sinusoidal cyclical fashion. It is irregular in when the pulse of growth hormone is released.

It could be that indeed the jumping affect causes a slightly higher amount of blood and the growth factors inside to  reach the fractures that are created when the basketball player jumps and lands down on the ground. fractures are created in the groove or surface-to-surface edge between the cartilage and the bone. This means that the body has to respond to heal the fracture. more blood goes to the fracture region which are carrying the growth factors like the BMPs and the TGF-Betas needed.

The jumping might be rythmic with the bouncing of the ball, and the pulsation of the pituitary gland might actually sync up with the bouncing of the ball.

If this is indeed the case where basketball which has a bouncing, rythmic effect on how the GH in the brain is released, sort of syncing up the frequency of growth hormome release with the bouncy of the ball like what happens during resonant frequency, and the fact that occasional jumping prevents the growth plates from being able to close when they are supposed to from breaking down bone bridges formed, it might suggest that indeed basketball might be one of those activities that young kids can do to increase their height and also make the growing period be slightly longer.


The problem of course is that there is a clear counter-arguement when we look at the case with gymnastics and gymnasts. Gymnasts are known very well for their short height but they get about the same frequency of jumping, like in the high bar, the vault, or the tumbling. Many martial artists also have have a lot of jumping but they seem to be average height. I could argue on the issue with gymnasts that the type of jumping and landing they do is at an intensity too high where the growth plates are more likely to be crushed than to stimulate gh release.

Personal Opinion

If I was to make my own personal guess at the relationship between basketball and tall stature, I would still have to say that it is more likely that you are first tall naturally,then you get picked by the local school coach (or more likely coerced) into playing on the JV or Varsity basketball team, than if in the case where you grow tall from playing basketball. If scientist or researchers would ever try to spend millions of dollars to see what is the correlation, whether is is causal or reverse causal, i would bet that they would find little evidence that playing basketball would lead to increased height, if they averaged out the individual cases, and normalized all the numbers into a normal bell curve distribution. I hope this issue is finally resolved and never brought back up.