Catch Up Growth Explained, Can We Use It To Increase In Height And Grow Taller?

Me: Once you have been doing enough research on how to increase height and grow taller once type of phenomenon which I heard over and over again was this idea of catch up growth, which often happens in adolescents which went through a strange stage where growth was first slow and inhibited but suddenly accelerated in speed and there was a dramatic increase in height.

It seems that the phenomenon of catch up growth can be explained if we understand the senescence of growth plates. As stated in a very recent post, there has been a lot of experimental evidence that the senescence of growth plates can be partially explained by the idea that the progenitor chondrocytes in the resting zone have a limited replicative capacity which is gradually exhausted with increasing cell division. There are actually a few compounds like gluccocorticoids which not only inhibit the proliferation of chondrocytes, but also decrease the rate of senescence of the growth plates. This means that at the same time that it is keep height shorter, it also is making the  possibility that height can be a lot taller later on. I guess the easy analogy is the tortoise which is slow and steady can often cover more distance than the hare which is fast and easily runs out of steam. Hypothyroidism can also decrease the mechanism of growth plate senescence. 

Using this type of basic background scientific knowledge, we can deduce that the phenomenon of catchup growth is where the senescence of growth plate first slows down while the proliferation of chondorcytes also slows down thus decreasing the longitundinla growth rate. For the young kids or their parent who might be worried and concerned their kids won’t ever grow taller, this might look like the child has finished growing. Then some trigger which is unknown at this time come along, restarts the growth plate senescence mechanism up again, accelerating the speed of growth which will also increase the proliferation rate of the chondrocytes in the resting zone which is the real cause for longitudinal growth. All of sudden ,the kid who might have been short in middle school goes through a crazy sudden growth spurt in high school and they find themselves taller than many of the kids who used to be taller than them.

As stated before in a previous post, I think there may be a way to use the phenomenon of catch up growth, at more specifically the cause of catch up growth, to make height increase possible and get people to grow to be taller than what they were programmed to be originally. We note that gluccocorticoids controls the senescence of the growth plate. Instead of just increasing or decreasing the amount going through the system, which will just slow down the process of growth in both directions, we might be able to create a pulsing action for the gluccocorticoids. The pulsing behavior could mean that a drop in gluccocorticoids than lead to sudden growth spurts from the letting up for the natural senescence of the growth plates, and when the proiferation capacity of the chondrocytes in the resting zone starts to drop, we overwhelm the growth plates with gluccocorticoids thus allowing the chondrocytes to recovery back up their proliferation capacities again. We just repeat this process which is sinusoidal in behavior. Coincidently, I have an unpublished post about using PEMF technology to stimulate the epiphyseal plates using very specific in form and shape of electrical signal generators which have pulsing action. There is a strong signal for a short time, which goes away, only to be repeated at a specific time interval later. I’ll get that post out within the next few days.

I found a nice PubMed abstract that gives an idea on the possible cause for catchup growth which seems to agree with the findings I have researched about recently.

From source link HERE

Endocr Dev. 2011;21:23-9. Epub 2011 Aug 22.

Growth plate senescence and catch-up growth.

Lui JC, Nilsson O, Baron J.


Developmental Endocrinology Branch, Program in Developmental Endocrinology and Genetics, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, National Institutes of Health, 10 Center Drive, Bethesda, MD 20892- 1103, USA.


Longitudinal bone growth is rapid in prenatal and early postnatal life, but then slows with age and eventually ceases. This growth deceleration is caused primarily by a decrease in chondrocyte proliferation, and is associated with other structural, functional, and molecular changes collectively termed growth plate senescence. Current evidence suggests that growth plate senescence occurs because the progenitor chondrocytes in the resting zone have a limited replicative capacity which is gradually exhausted with increasing cell division. In addition, recent experimental findings from laboratory and clinical studies suggest that growth plate senescence explains the phenomenon of catch-up growth. Growth-inhibiting conditions such as glucocorticoid excess and hypothyroidism delay the program of growth plate senescence. Consequently, growth plates are less senescent after these conditions resolve and therefore grow more rapidly than is normal for age, resulting in catch-up growth.

Copyright © 2011 S. Karger AG, Basel.

PMID: 21865751    [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE] 
PMCID:   PMC3420820

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