Be The Change You Wish To See In The World, and Create Something Of Massive Value

Years ago I was frustrated over the fact that there seemed to be no good real websites or resources on the internet I could turn to for my height increase questions. I remember finding the Height Quest website and finding it too advanced and scientific to read. At the time, I tried just focusing on exercise with little care to the science. I wanted to get taller and I was not sure whether the exercise routine I was doing at the time, which included swimming everyday, stretching, and yoga poses would really work.

After I did gain the 1/4th of an inch to push my height past the socially accepted height of 6 feet tall, I decided that I was tall enough. I moved on to other things.

After being away for almost 3 years, I came back to focus on this issue. Why did I come back to try to figure out something which no physician or surgeon has ever succeeded in before and think that I would be able to find a solution when the thousands of other people before me who did the research couldn’t figure it out?

I came to realize that a person’s life probably can only have true significance when they are in someway really benefiting the world. I looked on the internet and saw that there seemed to ba a resource for almost everything.

No matter what you were interested in, what you wanted to do, or what you wanted to learn, there was someone who had already figured it out and probably posted a great guide on how to do it.

I looked at the internet and found nothing about how to grow taller which was honest, informative, free, and authoritative. Everything was so scattered, and everyone seemes to be arguing, in deep confusion, or trying to sell a scam.

I realized that with my background, my experience, and my experiences, I had the tools to really try to make a good contribution. All my life, my family seemed to emphasize the point that having height is something that was very important. It seems to have cause certain strange psychological issues and dysmorphia in a few of my family members.

Plus, I realized that there were probably millions, if not billions of people out there who expressed the same thoughts and desires to be come taller, even after they stopped growing.

This whole area of the internet is filled with scams and fake products. There are plenty of pills with calcium carbonate and some oriental herbs which are sold as grow taller miracles. There are plenty of E-Books sold which will do nothing except drain the buyer’s wallet. There are hundreds of websites which all seem to link back to the “Grow Taller 4 Idiots” mega-scam. There are back hat SEO tactics used to push the websites higher up in the search engine rankings.

In the last year, I have reviewed at least 30 products, and none of them except maybe 1-2 has any chance of ever working even for growing kids. I have been slowly trying to cut through the B.S. and see every single method and idea proposed looking for any sign or hint of an idea. Some sections of the website has not been updated in since the beginning because I have been focused so much on the research and the content creation.

And now that it is almost an entire year since the beginning in the summer of last year, 2012. I am proud that I can provide a place where people can go to and find useful and informative articles posted which will help them see that there is real research being done. Sure, there will be many ideas and crazy proposed techniques which will lead me nowhere, but each route I go in for research seems to give me a better and better idea of what is really going on in the human body, in the bones themselves, and in the cartilage which is what really seems to make bones larger.

So if you have something in your own life that you are very frustrated about, whether personal or professional, I would like to ask that you create something to try to solve that problem. The most likely thing is that it is not just you that is suffering from that problem. Probably millions of other people have the same problem. Help make the world a better place and build something that you can be proud of even 30 years later.

Be The Change You Wish To See In The World, and Create Something Of Massive Value

So how do we do this? How can we start our own revolution, our paradigm shifting change? I say to become so good that people can no longer ignore you. I want you to start learning about something which you have always wanted to learn about, or you have always had a deep, dark obsession, madness, or passion about. As long as you can do something for free, where the money is not the thing you are really chasing, you will make it into something that people just can’t ignore, because what you have built is just so useful, so powerful, or so influential.

If you produce and create things that are so high in quality that people will instantly see the value in what you do, then the money will come.

As Pat Flynn, the internet marketer puts it which he applies the key concepts everyday…

  1. Provide massive value
  2. Earning massive trust
  3. Learn and understand the needs and wants of your followers
  4. Lead and teach by example.

The Steve Martin Autobiography entitled “So Good They Can’t Ignore You” has an amazing phrase. I took it also from the blog by Cal Newport entitled Study Hacks where his main point is for us to become so good that people can’t ignore us.

So become better at something that you know the whole world will love. Become so knowledgeable on something that people will be desperately emailing you asking you for the secret. If may take many years, if not a decade but you will one day prove all the haters and sceptics wrong. They will have to look up since you are going to be noticed by all the rest of the world. Get ready.