A New Height Increase, Grow Taller Research Website El Zar de la Estatura Brings Me To More Information About the Ginza Kojima Device

Update 3/11/2013: I sort of forgot that apparently the Google Browser Chrome will automatically try to translate any foreign language webpage to English if you set that option up. I just did that and the blog is now in English and everything makes sense. So switch from your Internet Explorer or Firefox or Safari to Chrome for the privileges for automatic foreign language translation.

So today on one of the comments left on the site someone brought to my attention a blog that was written back in 2010 – 2011 named El Zar de la Estatura.

The url is http://elzardelaestatura2011.blogspot.com/ – You might want to take a look at the site/blog before it is taken down as well. It seems that for height increase research websites they have a certain shelf-life.

The first interesting thing that is obvious is that the person is using the same theme for blogger as Tyler from HeightQuest.com. A Coincidence?

Maybe since blogging platforms often have popular themes and maybe the bookshelf theme for Blogger is really popular with height increase researchers.

The entire thing is in Spanish and since my Spanish does not go beyond a few hundred words even though I took 4 years of Spanish through middle school and high school, I still can’t translate the words except for a few words.

This is the message the guys writes write off the bat…

profilepicture” El Zar de la Estatura te revelará todos los secretos acerca del aumento de la estatura de tal manera que puedas tener una idea mucho mas clara acerca de este tema, saber que realmente funciona y que producto es inservible y tambien encontrarás info acerca de mi último proyecto que permitirá alargar las piernas sin necesidad de corte o cirugia incluso despues de los 18 años. Gracias por visitar mi Blog!”

If I put it through something called the Bing Translator and this is the translated stuff I got.

“The Tsar’s stature will reveal all the secrets about the increase of the height in such a way that you can get an idea much more clear on this subject, know that it really works and that product is useless and will also find info about my latest project that will lengthen the legs without cutting or surgery even after age 18.Thank you for visiting my Blog!”

So it seems that what we have is another real increase height and grow taller research blog, but the person writing stopped around 2011. There are some some posts which were informative and it is a shame he stopped working on it.

The post he wrote about which really cause my attention was the one about Ginza Kojima’s device which I had recently written about. However it seems that he managed to find another new website which had more pictures of the device, but the pictures show a much more primitive looking machine and straps.

Website url: http://www.shincho-nobashi.jp/stretch/rakuraku.html

I have managed to clip a few pictures of the website below.


You can see that the device of the picture I clipped is basically what is revealed in the other website. This one is more like a prototype and the device is like the medieval body stretching machine Pierre Pozzuto has on his A-Grow-Bics class based in London.

I think I am confident to say now that I am going to start looking at the resources on the internet that are Non-English based since they also contain a whole lot of good information.