LSJL Update 11-8-2016

Here’s the last update.

Here’s the feet length progress pic:


Here’s the pic from about 6 months ago:

June foot comparison

Yeah the distance is wrong so here’s one from about 2 months ago:


I can’t really tell how much growth I’ve had but it seems like some.  So not really proof right now.  Anyways, growth is disappointing considering that I got some significant growth initially in that the shoe started being tighter.  Already I’ve started clamping other areas of the feet in the hopes of spillover growth as clamping the big toe has seemed to induce growth in the other toes.

I’m going to clamp for longer and more intensely.  We’ll see if that gets me some good solid growth

8 thoughts on “LSJL Update 11-8-2016

  1. Daniel Tranuskavon

    Hi mate, could LSJL stunt growth if growth plates are still open or would it assist in further growth?


  2. John

    Tyler,first of all man i have great respect for your work,i would like to ask you how tall are you currently? and how long did it take you to grow with lsjl? and also how much did you grow?



  3. Mith

    Hi Tyler,

    I’m 19 right now and I’ve been working too hard to gain height since 3 years. The fact that I’ve not seen any good results is because I was indiscipline .

    I am 19 right now and I promise not give up from now.

    I thank you guys from the bottom of my heart for what you are involved in.

    I want to try LSLJ method but I’m not exactly getting it, on which part of the bone should I load. Please guys, try to provide us CLEAR steps and a good routine for this LSLJ method.

    The only reason I am not giving up is because of you, I believe that someday soon you guys will find out how to gain height with having closed growth plates. YOU GUYS ARE MY ONLY HOPE!



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