LSJL+ finger pulling progress update

Okay, so here’s the last images and I have some observations and some tweaks.  It seems that it’s mainly the tip of the finger that’s growing and I do have to clamp the tip of my finger to pull on it.  Whereas it’s harder to see any changes in the rest of the finger which is being pulled.


finger comp

The right pinky is the loaded finger.  I know it’s hard to see anything but I’m just in the testing stages right now.  If there’s every strong enough evidence I can get x-rays and compare it with earlier x-rays I have.  But I don’t think it’s finger pulling that’s effective but rather the inadvertent LSJL that occurs via me clamping my fingers in order to pull on it.

Hydrostatic pressure is the force created by a fluid at rest by clamping you’re disabling the ability of fluid to move.  Hydrostatic pressure is a consistent chondroinducter.  Chondrocytes are the basis for the growth plate.  I’ve tried clamping fingers with a mechanical clamp but didn’t really get significant results.  Although a clamp can generate more force, using your hands is more precise.

So now I’m going to change my methodology a little bit.


I’m just going to hand clamp the middle of the finger to see what effects it has.  One potential difference between the proximal and medial finger bone is that there’s only one epiphysis in the proximal finger bone.  And fluid may not be at rest but simply flow out the other end.

One potential solution is this:


Clamp one epiphysis with a mechanical clamp and clamp the other epiphysis with a hand clamp.

If you look closely at the first image you can see slightly more swelling at the epiphysis of the proximal finger.  It’ll be interesting to see any swelling that occurs in the middle region.

I don’t expect the first image to serve as proof of any means.  Just experimenting to try to find the right methodology and I think LSJL is finally being narrowed down into what actually would be effective for height increase.  Not focusing so much on generating as much force as possible with a clamp but rather clamping in such a way as to inhibit fluid from leaving the bone to generate hydrostatic pressure.

Mesenchymal condensation is the key to growth plate formation.  And you can’t condense if fluid is flowing every which way.  And growth plate cartilage is avascular.

3 thoughts on “LSJL+ finger pulling progress update

  1. Pingback: Finger pulling/clamping progress update - Natural Height Growth

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